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Dewatering coal with supercritical Carbon Dioxide
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-30 , DOI: 10.1080/19392699.2020.1715962
Sujit Banerjee 1 , Bhima Sastri 2 , Salonika Aggarwal 3 , Marko Hakovirta 3


Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) dewaters coal through two mechanisms. For bituminous coal of 9.5% average moisture content the water is dissolved out of the coal and the concentration of water in the bulk sCO2 approximates its solubility limit. For lignite (54% average moisture content) the water extracted by the sCO2 exceeds its solubility limit in sCO2, which implies that a part of the water is displaced from, rather than dissolved out of the coal. Thus, there is a clear distinction between wet coals where most of the water is displaced, as compared to drier coals where the water is dissolved out. Hence, sCO2 dewatering will be especially efficient for high-moisture coals where there is significant free water available for displacement. Precedent for this process is available from the dewatering of wood flakes.




超临界 CO 2 (sCO 2 ) 通过两种机制使煤脱水。对于平均水分含量为 9.5% 的烟煤,水从煤中溶解出来,并且散装 sCO 2中的水浓度接近其溶解度极限。对于褐煤(平均水分含量为 54%),sCO 2 提取的水超过其在 sCO 2中的溶解度极限,这意味着一部分水从煤中置换出来,而不是从煤中溶解出来。因此,与大部分水被溶解的干煤相比,大部分水被置换的湿煤之间存在明显的区别。因此,sCO 2对于有大量游离水可用于置换的高水分煤,脱水将特别有效。该工艺的先例可从木片的脱水中获得。
