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Environmental impact assessment of risk elements from railway transport with the use of pollution indices, a biotest and bioindicators
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-11 , DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2020.1736984
Maja Radziemska 1 , Zygmunt M. Gusiatin 2 , Piotr Kowal 3 , Agnieszka Bęś 4 , Grzegorz Majewski 1 , Anna Jeznach-Steinhagen 5, 6 , Zbigniew Mazur 4 , Ernesta Liniauskienė 7 , Martin Brtnický 8, 9


The paper evaluates the accumulation of selected risk elements in soils and biological tissues caused by railway transport. Samples of soil, pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) bark and needles, hoof fungus (Fomes fomentarius L.) and red-stemmed feathermoss (Pleurozium schreberi L.) were analyzed for the content of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. The samples were collected in five sites (A, B, C, D, E each separated by 500 m) covering a combined distance of around 2 km along railway tracks (Central Poland). The geo-accumulation index (I geo), single pollution index (PI), contamination factor (Cf), degree of contamination (C deg), potential ecological risk (RI), and the probability of toxicity (MERMQ) index were calculated to determine soil pollution with risk elements. Soil toxicity was assessed with the Phytotoxkit biotest which measures the inhibition of seed germination and root growth in Sorghum saccharatum L. The calculated indices and the results of the phytotoxicity biotest revealed the highest levels of contamination in the proximity of a road overpass (site D). The accumulation of risk elements in soil was strongly correlated with pollutant levels in biological tissues. Zinc was the most abundant element in biological tissues, especially in pine bark and feathermoss. Soil pollution indices, biotest results, and plant and fungus bioindicators play an important role in environmental assessments of railway transport.




本文评估了由铁路运输引起的土壤和生物组织中特定风险元素的积累。分析了土壤,松树(Pinus sylvestris L.)的树皮和针,蹄木耳(Fomes fomentarius L.)和红梗的羽毛(Pleurozium schreberi L.)样品中Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb和Cd的含量。锌 样品收集在五个地点(A,B,C,D,E,每个地点相距500 m),沿铁轨(波兰中部)的总距离约为2 km。地质累积指数(I geo),单一污染指数(PI),污染因子(C f),污染程度(C deg),潜在的生态风险(RI)和毒性概率(MERMQ)指数进行了计算,以确定具有风险要素的土壤污染。用Phytoxkit生物测试评估了土壤毒性,该测试测试了高粱糖对种子发芽和根系生长的抑制作用L.计算得出的指数和植物毒性生物测试的结果表明,在道路立交桥(D点)附近污染程度最高。土壤中危险元素的积累与生物组织中的污染物水平高度相关。锌是生物组织中最丰富的元素,尤其是在松树皮和羽毛苔藓中。土壤污染指数,生物测试结果以及植物和真菌生物指标在铁路运输的环境评估中起着重要作用。
