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Re-establishment of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in Cyprus: priorities for conservation
Oryx ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0030605319000759
Haris Nicolaou , Panagiotis Dendrinos , Melina Marcou , Savvas Michaelides , Alexandros A. Karamanlidis

Once widespread throughout the Black and Mediterranean Seas and the coasts of north Africa, the Endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus has disappeared throughout most of its original range. In Cyprus evidence suggests that the species became effectively extinct at the end of the 20th century. Following an increase of seal sightings around the island, a monitoring programme was established in 2009 to evaluate the status of the species. During 2009–2018, using field surveys, photographs from camera traps and an information network, we recorded an increasing number of seal sightings, and the birth of several pups, indicating the permanent presence of the species on the island. This is the first recorded re-establishment of a Mediterranean monk seal population in an area of its former range following near eradication.


在塞浦路斯重建地中海僧海豹 Monachus monachus:保护的优先事项

濒临灭绝的地中海僧海豹曾广泛分布于黑海和地中海以及北非海岸Monachus monachus已在其大部分原始范围内消失。在塞浦路斯,证据表明该物种在 20 世纪末实际上已经灭绝。随着岛上海豹目击事件的增加,2009 年建立了一项监测计划,以评估该物种的状况。在 2009 年至 2018 年期间,通过实地调查、相机陷阱的照片和信息网络,我们记录了越来越多的海豹目击事件,以及几只幼崽的出生,表明该物种在岛上永久存在。这是地中海僧海豹种群在濒临灭绝后首次在其先前分布范围内重新建立的记录。