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Financial transition and costs of sustainable agricultural intensification practices on a beef cattle and crop farm in Brazil's Amazon
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s1742170519000413
Lorena Machado Pedrosa , Aaron Kinyu Hoshide , Daniel Carneiro de Abreu , Luana Molossi , Eduardo Guimarães Couto

The intensification of Brazil's beef cattle production system can involve different strategies to increase beef production while reducing deforestation in the Amazon biome and mitigating climate change. This study economically evaluates a cooperating beef farm in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil's Amazon biome over three crop years (2015–16 to 2017–18), transitioning from an extensive grazing system to a semi-intensive system using five sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) practices. These five practices include (1) grain supplementation for cattle, (2) pasture fertilization, (3) pasture re-seeding, (4) crop–livestock integration (CLI) and (5) irrigated and fertilized pasture that is rotationally grazed. The relative costs of these five SAI strategies used on this cooperating farm are compared. The adoption of SAI strategies increased beef productivity 5.7% (228–241 kg live-weight sold per hectare) and gradually improved net farm income by ~130% over the 3 years of transition (−US$94.79 to $29.80 ha−1). Grain supplementation (US$188 ha−1) had the cheapest cost per hectare, followed by pasture fertilization (US$477 ha−1) and pasture reseeding (US$650 ha−1). The most costly practice was in-ground irrigation of fenced rotationally grazed pasture (US$1600 ha−1) with the second most costly being CLI (US$672 ha−1). Despite adoption challenges of these SAI practices, past research confirm these five practices can increase beef productivity and profitability while reducing carbon footprint. Regardless of the cost per hectare of each practice, farmer adoption can be improved through education, support and incentives from both the public and private sectors.



巴西肉牛生产系统的集约化可能涉及不同的战略来增加牛肉产量,同时减少亚马逊生物群落的森林砍伐和缓解气候变化。本研究从经济上评估了巴西亚马逊生物群落马托格罗索州合作牛肉农场在三个作物年(2015-16 至 2017-18)期间使用五个可持续农业集约化从粗放放牧系统过渡到半集约化系统( SAI) 实践。这五种做法包括(1)牛的谷物补充,(2)牧场施肥,(3)牧场重新播种,(4)农牧结合(CLI)和(5)灌溉和施肥轮牧的牧场。比较了该合作农场使用的这五种 SAI 策略的相对成本。-1)。谷物补充剂(188 美元公顷)-1)每公顷成本最低,其次是牧场施肥(477 美元)-1) 和牧场补种(650 美元公顷)-1)。成本最高的做法是对有围栏的轮牧草场进行地下灌溉(1600 美元-1) 成本第二高的是 CLI (US$672 ha-1)。尽管采用这些 SAI 做法存在挑战,但过去的研究证实,这五种做法可以提高牛肉的生产力和盈利能力,同时减少碳足迹。无论每种做法的每公顷成本如何,都可以通过公共和私营部门的教育、支持和激励措施来提高农民的收养率。