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Cover crop seed preference of four common weed seed predators
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s1742170519000164
Connor Z. Youngerman , Antonio DiTommaso , John E. Losey , Matthew R. Ryan

Invertebrate seed predators (ISPs) are an important component of agroecosystems that help regulate weed populations. Previous research has shown that ISPs' seed preference depends on the plant and ISP species. Although numerous studies have quantified weed seed losses from ISPs, limited research has been conducted on the potential for ISPs to consume cover crop seeds. Cover crops are sometimes broadcast seeded, and because seeds are left on the soil surface, they are susceptible to ISPs. We hypothesized that (1) ISPs will consume cover crop seeds to the same extent as weed seeds, (2) seed preference will vary by plant and ISP species, and (3) seed consumption will be influenced by seed morphology and nutritional characteristics. We conducted seed preference trials with four common ISPs [Pennsylvania dingy ground beetle (Harpalus pensylvanicus), common black ground beetle (Pterostichus melanarius), Allard's ground cricket (Allonemobius allardi) and fall field cricket (Gryllus pennsylvanicus)] in laboratory no choice and choice feeding assays. We compared seed predation of ten commonly used cover crop species [barley (Hordeum vulgare), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), forage radish (Raphanus sativus), cereal rye (Secale cereale), white mustard (Sinapis alba), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), red clover (Trifolium pratense), triticale (×Triticosecale) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa)] and three weed species [velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and giant foxtail (Setaria faberi)]. All four ISPs readily consumed cover crop seeds (P < 0.05), but cover crops with hard seed coats and seed hulls such as hairy vetch and barley were less preferred. Our results suggest that farmers should select cover crop species that are avoided by ISPs if they plan on broadcasting the seed, such as with aerial interseeding.



无脊椎动物种子捕食者 (ISP) 是有助于调节杂草种群的农业生态系统的重要组成部分。先前的研究表明,ISP 对种子的偏好取决于植物和 ISP 的种类。尽管许多研究已经量化了 ISP 造成的杂草种子损失,但对 ISP 消耗覆盖作物种子的潜力进行了有限的研究。覆盖作物有时会播种,因为种子留在土壤表面,它们容易受到 ISP 的影响。我们假设(1)ISP 将消耗覆盖作物种子的程度与杂草种子相同,(2)种子偏好会因植物和 ISP 物种而异,(3)种子消耗将受种子形态和营养特性的影响。我们对四种常见的 ISP [Pennsylvania dingy ground beetle (平纹海棠), 普通黑地甲虫 (黑檀), 阿拉德的蟋蟀 (鲶鱼) 和秋季板球 (宾州鲽)] 在实验室没有选择和选择喂养试验。我们比较了十种常用覆盖作物物种 [大麦 (大麦), 一年生黑麦草 (何首乌), 珍珠粟 (狼尾草), 饲料萝卜 (萝卜), 谷物黑麦 (黑麦), 白芥末 (白芥菜), 深红三叶草 (车轴草), 红三叶草 (车轴草), 黑小麦 (×小麦鳞片) 和毛紫云英 (紫花苜蓿)] 和三种杂草 [velvetleaf (苋菜), 普通豚草 (青蒿) 和大狐尾 (狗尾草)]。所有四个 ISP 都容易消费覆盖作物种子(< 0.05),但覆盖有硬种皮和种皮的作物(如紫云英和大麦)不太受欢迎。我们的研究结果表明,如果农民计划播种(例如空中播种),则应选择 ISP 避免的覆盖作物物种。