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Sustainable resource development in the Arctic: Using export trade agreements to restrict environmentally harmful subsidies
Polar Record ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0032247419000524
Tomohiko Kobayashi

Although the Arctic is emerging as a promising region for energy development and maritime transportation, navigational safety is a persistent and growing concern. What can international trade regulations do to ensure the safe transportation of natural resources on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the sustainable development of the Arctic region? Government support is almost inevitable for shipyards, particularly in a highly competitive market. Shipyards build large-scale vessels that navigate the Arctic Ocean. However, excessive export competition will soon lead to over-production and exportation of substandard products. Assuming that even a single incident in the NSR could have a disastrous impact on the flora and fauna of the entire Arctic region, the potential for substandard vessel use represents a significant risk and potential damage to the environment. Although the World Trade Organization (WTO) has detailed rules for this purpose with an effective dispute settlement mechanism, the history of WTO disputes has proven that WTO proceedings sometimes result in unintended consequences. As an alternative option, along with negotiations under the WTO and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), this paper suggests the possibility of a critical mass agreement to mutually allow more flexible government support for vessels only if they have superior environmental performance.



尽管北极正在成为能源开发和海上运输的有希望的地区,但航行安全是一个持续且日益严重的问题。国际贸易法规可以做些什么来确保北海航线(NSR)上的自然资源安全运输和北极地区的可持续发展?对于造船厂来说,政府的支持几乎是不可避免的,尤其是在竞争激烈的市场中。造船厂建造了在北冰洋航行的大型船只。但是,过度的出口竞争很快就会导致生产过剩和不合格产品的出口。假设即使是北海道的单一事件都可能对整个北极地区的动植物造成灾难性影响,不合标准的船舶使用的可能性代表着重大的风险和对环境的潜在损害。尽管世界贸易组织(WTO)为此制定了详细的规则和有效的争端解决机制,但世贸组织争端的历史证明,世贸组织程序有时会导致意想不到的后果。作为替代选择,连同在 WTO 和经济合作与发展组织 (OECD) 下的谈判,本文提出了达成临界质量协议的可能性,以相互允许政府更灵活地支持船舶,前提是船舶具有卓越的环境绩效。世贸组织争端的历史证明,世贸组织程序有时会导致意想不到的后果。作为替代选择,连同在 WTO 和经济合作与发展组织 (OECD) 下的谈判,本文提出了达成临界质量协议的可能性,以相互允许政府更灵活地支持船舶,前提是船舶具有卓越的环境绩效。世贸组织争端的历史证明,世贸组织程序有时会导致意想不到的后果。作为替代选择,连同在 WTO 和经济合作与发展组织 (OECD) 下的谈判,本文提出了达成临界质量协议的可能性,以相互允许政府更灵活地支持船舶,前提是船舶具有卓越的环境绩效。