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The last pteraspids (Vertebrata, Heterostraci): new material from the Middle Devonian of Alberta and Idaho
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-17 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.9
David K. Elliott , Linda S. Lassiter , Kathryn E. Geyer

This report documents the last pteraspids, (armored, jawless members of the Heterostraci), which are otherwise only known from the Early Devonian of the Old Red Sandstone Continent. Tuberculate pteraspid heterostracans are described from the Middle Devonian beds of two formations in western North America. The late Givetian Yahatinda Formation of Alberta and British Columbia consists of channels cut into lower Paleozoic rocks and represents deposition in marine to littoral environments. Clavulaspis finis (Elliott et al., 2000a) new combination is redescribed from additional material from the Yahatinda Formation and reassigned to the new genus Clavulaspis because the original genus name is invalid. The Eifelian Spring Mountain beds of Idaho consist of a large channel that represents a clastic-dominated estuarine environment. It contains Scutellaspis wilsoni new genus new species, and the previously described species from the Spring Mountain beds is redescribed and reassigned to Ecphymaspis new genus, which was prompted by new material and a review of the validity of the original genus name. Phylogenetic analysis shows that these three new taxa form part of the derived clade Protaspididae.UUID: http://zoobank.org/9cf09b21-cec1-4ce4-bc2b-658d0b515e10



这份报告记录了最后的翼翅目(Heterostraci 的装甲、无颌成员),否则它们仅在旧红砂岩大陆的早期泥盆纪才知道。从北美西部两个地层的中泥盆纪地层中描述了有瘤的翅翅目异源层。阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省晚期的 Givetian Yahatinda 组由切入下古生界岩石的通道组成,代表海洋到沿海环境中的沉积。鲢鱼(Elliott et al., 2000a) 新组合从 Yahatinda 组的其他材料中重新描述,并重新分配给新属棒棒糖因为原属名无效。爱达荷州的 Eifelian Spring Mountain 河床由一个代表以碎屑为主的河口环境的大河道组成。它包含了黄芩新属新种,之前描述的来自春山床的物种被重新描述并重新分配给蛔虫新属,这是由新材料和对原始属名有效性的审查引起的。系统发育分析表明,这三个新的分类群构成了衍生进化枝 Protaspididae.UUID 的一部分:http://zoobank.org/9cf09b21-cec1-4ce4-bc2b-658d0b515e10