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Mid-Furongian trilobites and agnostids from theWujiajiania lyndasmithaeSubzone of theElviniaZone, McKay Group, southeastern British Columbia, Canada
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-23 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.2
Brian D.E. Chatterton

A well-preserved fauna of largely articulated trilobites is described from three new localities close to one another in the Bull River Valley, southeastern British Columbia. All the trilobites from these localities are from the lower or middle part of theWujiajiania lyndasmithaeSubzone of theElviniaZone, lower Jiangshanian, in the McKay Group. Two new species are proposed with types from these localities:Aciculolenus askewiandCliffia nicoleae. The trilobite (and agnostid) fauna from these localities includes at least 20 species:Aciculolenus askewin. sp.,Agnostotes orientalis(Kobayashi, 1935),Cernuolimbus ludvigseniChatterton and Gibb, 2016,Cliffia nicoleaen. sp.,Elvinia roemeri(Shumard, 1861),Grandagnostus? species 1 of Chatterton and Gibb, 2016,Eugonocare?phillipiChatterton and Gibb, 2016,Eugonocare? sp. A,Housia vacuna(Walcott, 1912),Irvingella convexa(Kobayashi, 1935),Irvingella flohriResser, 1942,Irvingellaspecies B Chatterton and Gibb, 2016,Olenaspella chrisnewiChatterton and Gibb, 2016,Proceratopyge canadensis(Chatterton and Ludvigsen, 1998),Proceratopyge rectispinata(Troedsson, 1937),Pseudagnostuscf.P. josepha(Hall, 1863),Pseudagnostus securiger(Lake, 1906),Pseudeugonocare bispinatum(Kobayashi, 1962),Pterocephaliasp., andWujiajiania lyndasmithaeChatterton and Gibb, 2016.Pseudagnostus securiger, a widespread early Jiangshanian species, has not been previously recorded from southeastern British Columbia. Non-trilobite fossils collected from these localities include brachiopods, rare trace fossils, a complete silica sponge (Hyalospongea), and a dendroid graptolite. The faunas from these localities are more diverse and better preserved than those from other previously documented localities of the same age in the region.Additional specimens of a rare species, found by amateur collectors in previously documented localities of slightly younger age (upper part ofWujiajiania lyndasmithaeSubzone) in the same region, are documented. These new specimens, when combined with an earlier discovered specimen, provide adequate type material to propose a new species ofLabiostria, L. gibbae, which may be useful for biostratigraphy.UUID:http://zoobank.org/89551eac-b3af-4b2b-8ef3-7c2e106a560d


来自加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部 McKay 组 Elvinia 区的 Wujiajiania lyndasmithae 亚区的中芙蓉三叶虫和不可知论者

在不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部的布尔河谷的三个相互靠近的新地点描述了一种保存完好的大部分铰接三叶虫动物群。来自这些地方的所有三叶虫都来自地球的下部或中部吴家家菜的子区埃尔维尼亚江山下段,麦凯群。提出了来自这些地区的两个新物种:刺槐尼可莱. 这些地区的三叶虫(和不可知论者)动物群包括至少 20 个物种:刺槐n. sp.,东方不可知论者(小林,1935),Cernuolimbus ludvigseni查特顿和吉布,2016,尼可莱n. sp.,猫耳草(舒马德,1861 年),大头鱼? Chatterton 和 Gibb 的物种 1,2016,Eugonocare?菲利普查特顿和吉布,2016,Eugonocare? sp。一种,胡西亚真空(沃尔科特,1912 年),凸欧文氏菌(小林,1935),欧文氏菌雷瑟,1942 年,欧文盖拉B 种 Chatterton 和 Gibb,2016 年,油菜花查特顿和吉布,2016,加拿大原虫(查特顿和路德维森,1998 年),Proceratopyge rectispinata(特罗德森,1937 年),假象属参看。P.约瑟夫(霍尔,1863 年),(莱克,1906 年),假单胞菌(小林,1962),翼龙目sp.,和吴家家菜查特顿和吉布,2016 年。是一种广泛分布的江山早期物种,以前在不列颠哥伦比亚省东南部没有记录。从这些地方收集的非三叶虫化石包括腕足类动物、稀有痕迹化石、完整的硅海绵(Hyalospongea)和树状笔石。来自这些地区的动物群比该地区其他先前记录的同龄地区的动物群更多样化,保存得更好。 由业余收藏家在先前记录的稍年轻的地区发现的稀有物种的额外标本(上半部)吴家家菜子区域)在同一区域,记录在案。这些新标本,当与早期发现的标本结合时,提供了足够的类型材料来提出一个新的物种Labiostria, L. gibbae,这可能对 biostratigraphy.UUID 有用:http://zoobank.org/89551eac-b3af-4b2b-8ef3-7c2e106a560d