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A social–product–process framework for construction
Building Research & Information ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2019.1691487
Žiga Turk 1 , Robert Klinc 1

ABSTRACT This paper introduces a new framework for understanding, modelling and software engineering in construction information activities. The current framework is based on understanding that products are the results of processes, which are performed by actors. Such frameworks are influenced by the available technology. The Internet of today is supporting also other kinds of human activities: communication and social interactions among humans. The construction industry uses them as well but without having a proper understanding of their role. There is a gap in the current framework. In this paper, the relevant theories to specify this gap in terms of what could exist in theory and what is offered by technology are analysed. As a result, a new framework of construction information activities that fills the gap is proposed. The key concepts and relations among them are identified and elaborated within the existing framework. The framework introduces the third major integrative element of the otherwise fragmented construction information activities – the social network – the existing two being the physical building and its digital twin. The framework provides a theoretical and conceptual basis for designing, planning, creating, monitoring and evaluating construction-related online services that include a strong social component and use social media services.



摘要 本文介绍了一种用于理解、建模和建筑信息活动中的软件工程的新框架。当前框架基于这样的理解,即产品是由参与者执行的过程的结果。此类框架受可用技术的影响。今天的互联网还支持其他类型的人类活动:人类之间的交流和社会互动。建筑行业也使用它们,但没有正确理解它们的作用。当前框架存在差距。在本文中,分析了在理论上可能存在的内容和技术提供的内容方面指定这种差距的相关理论。因此,提出了一种新的建筑信息活动框架来填补这一空白。在现有框架内确定和阐述了它们之间的关键概念和关系。该框架引入了原本分散的建筑信息活动的第三个主要整合元素——社交网络——现有的两个元素是实体建筑及其数字孪生。该框架为设计、规划、创建、监控和评估与建筑相关的在线服务提供了理论和概念基础,这些在线服务包括强大的社交组件并使用社交媒体服务。