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Soil impacts and residual stand damage from thinning operations
International Journal of Forest Engineering ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-12 , DOI: 10.1080/14942119.2020.1744954
Mehrdad Nikooy 1 , Farzam Tavankar 2 , Ramin Naghdi 1 , Alireza Ghorbani 1 , Meghdad Jourgholami 3 , Rodolfo Picchio 4

ABSTRACT Thinning has a crucial role in retaining the future value of stands; hence, excessive soil disturbance and damage to residual trees can diminish thinning advantages. The research aims were to assess soil disturbance and the level of stand damage from thinning operations. Thinning intensity ranged from 8.3% to 19.1% of the standing volume. Soil disturbance and damage level to residual trees, were determined in five young even-aged hardwood stands, using ground-based extraction systems. Tree felling was done by chainsaw, and full trees were extracted by a skidder. Point-transect method and systematic sampling plots were used to characterize soil disturbance and residual trees damage, respectively. Surface of disturbed soil ranged from 14% to 27% and stand damage ranged from 5% to 18% of the residual trees and they were significantly increased by increasing thinning intensity. Soil resistance to penetration at a depth of 0–10 cm in the shallow disturbed (0.39 MPa), deep disturbed (0.52 MPa), and skid trails (0.79 MPa) were increased by 14%, 27%, and 54%, respectively, compared to the undisturbed soils (0.25 MPa). Winching was the main cause of soil disturbance and damage to residual trees. The highest frequency of damage was observed on trees with a dbh class of 20 cm (24.3%). Most of the stand damage occurred on the bole (55%) of trees, with wound sizes ranging from 50 to 350 cm2, and most of the wounds (53%) showed damage to the cambium and wood fibers, at heights of <1 m above the ground line (76%).



摘要 间伐在保留林分未来价值方面起着至关重要的作用;因此,过度的土壤扰动和对残留树木的破坏会削弱间伐优势。研究目的是评估土壤扰动和间伐作业造成的林分损坏程度。间伐强度范围为站立体积的 8.3% 至 19.1%。使用地面提取系统在五个年轻的偶龄硬木林分中确定了土壤扰动和残留树木的破坏程度。用链锯砍伐树木,用集材机提取完整的树木。分别采用点样法和系统采样地块来表征土壤扰动和残留树木损害。被扰动的土壤表面范围为 14% 至 27%,林分损害范围为 5% 至 18% 的残留树木,并且随着间伐强度的增加,它们显着增加。浅扰动(0.39 MPa)、深扰动(0.52 MPa)和滑道(0.79 MPa)中0-10 cm深度的土壤渗透阻力分别增加了14%、27%和54%,与未受干扰的土壤 (0.25 MPa) 相比。绞车是土壤扰动和残树破坏的主要原因。在 dbh 等级为 20 cm (24.3%) 的树木上观察到最高频率的损坏。大部分林分损伤发生在树干 (55%) 上,伤口大小从 50 到 350 cm2 不等,大多数伤口 (53%) 显示形成层和木纤维受损,高度<1 m高于地线(76%)。浅扰动(0.39 MPa)、深扰动(0.52 MPa)和滑道(0.79 MPa)中0-10 cm深度的土壤渗透阻力分别增加了14%、27%和54%,与未受干扰的土壤 (0.25 MPa) 相比。绞车是土壤扰动和残树破坏的主要原因。在 dbh 等级为 20 cm (24.3%) 的树木上观察到最高频率的损坏。大部分林分损伤发生在树干 (55%) 上,伤口大小从 50 到 350 cm2 不等,大多数伤口 (53%) 显示形成层和木纤维受损,高度<1 m高于地线(76%)。浅扰动(0.39 MPa)、深扰动(0.52 MPa)和滑道(0.79 MPa)中0-10 cm深度的土壤渗透阻力分别增加了14%、27%和54%,与未受干扰的土壤 (0.25 MPa) 相比。绞车是土壤扰动和残树破坏的主要原因。在 dbh 等级为 20 cm (24.3%) 的树木上观察到最高频率的损坏。大部分林分损伤发生在树干 (55%) 上,伤口大小从 50 到 350 cm2 不等,大多数伤口 (53%) 显示形成层和木纤维受损,高度<1 m高于地线(76%)。与未受干扰的土壤 (0.25 MPa) 相比。绞车是土壤扰动和残树破坏的主要原因。在 dbh 等级为 20 cm (24.3%) 的树木上观察到最高频率的损坏。大部分林分损伤发生在树干 (55%) 上,伤口大小从 50 到 350 cm2 不等,大多数伤口 (53%) 显示形成层和木纤维受损,高度<1 m高于地线(76%)。与未受干扰的土壤 (0.25 MPa) 相比。绞车是土壤扰动和残树破坏的主要原因。在 dbh 等级为 20 cm (24.3%) 的树木上观察到最高频率的损坏。大部分林分损伤发生在树干 (55%) 上,伤口大小从 50 到 350 cm2 不等,大多数伤口 (53%) 显示形成层和木纤维受损,高度<1 m高于地线(76%)。