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High capacity information transmission with single-photon in polarization and spatial mode degrees of freedom over a collective noisy channel
Laser Physics ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-10 , DOI: 10.1088/1555-6611/ab85c9
Rui-Tong Zhao , Liang-Lun Cheng

High-dimensional quantum states are potential resources to enhance the channel capacity of information transmission over noisy channels. However, the over-consumption of entanglement and joint measurement make previous proposals of information transmission unpractical , taking quantum dense coding as an example. In this paper, we report high-capacity information transmission over a collective noisy channel using single-photon states both in polarization and spatial mode degrees of freedom and quantum channel multiplexing. Our proposal can reach the same channel capacity as quantum dense coding, even over the collective noisy channel. These results will provide an optional and feasible method to high-capacity information transmission and help to promote the practicability of quantum communication.


