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Machine-learning algorithms for predicting land susceptibility to dust emissions: The case of the Jazmurian Basin, Iran
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2020.05.009
Hamid Gholami , Aliakbar Mohamadifar , Armin Sorooshian , John D. Jansen

In this study, we apply six machine-learning algorithms (XGBoost, Cubist, BMARS, ANFIS, Cforest and Elasticnet) to investigate the susceptibility of the Jazmurian Basin in southeastern Iran to dust emissions. This research is the first attempt to apply several machine-learning techniques (e.g., BMARS, ANFIS, Cforest and Elasticnet) to mapping of dust emissions from land surfaces. Fourteen parameters associated with meteorology, lithology, soil, and human activity were considered as potentially effective dust emission factors implemented in our modelling. Collinearity among the parameters and their weighted importance were examined statistically. To evaluate the accuracy of our predictive models and their performance, we applied the Taylor diagram (involving RMSE and correlation coefficient), the Nash Sutcliffe coefficient (NSC), and mean absolute error (MAE). The prediction accuracy of the six algorithms for identifying susceptibility to dust emissions, as assessed by the Taylor diagram, was as follows: Cforest (NSC = 98% and MAE = 3.2%) > Cubist (NSC = 90% and MAE = 10.6%) > Elasticnet (NSC = 90% and MAE = 10.7) > ANFIS (NSC > 90% and MAE = 11%) > BMARS (NSC = 89% and MAE = 11.2%) > XGBoost (NSC = 89% and 11.3%). Based on the map produced by Cforest (i.e., the best-performing algorithm in our assessment), we identify four dust susceptibility classes, and their respective total areas ranging from low (32%), moderate (8.2%), high (10%), to very high (50%). We identify the dry lakebed of Hamun-e-Jaz Murian as the most productive area for dust emissions.



在这项研究中,我们应用了六种机器学习算法(XGBoost,Cubist,BMARS,ANFIS,Cforest和Elasticnet)来研究伊朗东南部Jazmurian盆地对粉尘排放的敏感性。这项研究是首次尝试将几种机器学习技术(例如BMARS,ANFIS,Cforest和Elasticnet)应用于测绘来自地面的粉尘排放。与气象学,岩性,土壤和人类活动相关的十四个参数被认为是我们建模中实现的潜在有效扬尘因子。统计检验参数之间的共线性及其加权重要性。为了评估预测模型的准确性及其性能,我们应用了泰勒图(涉及RMSE和相关系数),纳什·苏特克利夫系数(NSC),和平均绝对误差(MAE)。通过泰勒图评估的六种用于确定粉尘排放敏感性的算法的预测准确性如下:Cforest(NSC = 98%,MAE = 3.2%)> Cubist(NSC = 90%,MAE = 10.6%) > Elasticnet(NSC = 90%且MAE = 10.7)> ANFIS(NSC> 90%且MAE = 11%)> BMARS(NSC = 89%且MAE = 11.2%)> XGBoost(NSC = 89%和11.3%)。根据Cforest绘制的地图(即我们评估中表现最佳的算法),我们确定了四种粉尘敏感性等级,它们各自的总面积范围从低(32%),中度(8.2%),高(10%) ),提高到很高(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。通过泰勒图评估的六种用于确定粉尘排放敏感性的算法的预测准确性如下:Cforest(NSC = 98%,MAE = 3.2%)> Cubist(NSC = 90%,MAE = 10.6%) > Elasticnet(NSC = 90%且MAE = 10.7)> ANFIS(NSC> 90%且MAE = 11%)> BMARS(NSC = 89%且MAE = 11.2%)> XGBoost(NSC = 89%和11.3%)。根据Cforest绘制的地图(即我们评估中表现最佳的算法),我们确定了四种粉尘敏感性等级,它们各自的总面积范围从低(32%),中度(8.2%),高(10%) ),达到非常高的水平(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。通过泰勒图评估的六种用于确定粉尘排放敏感性的算法的预测准确性如下:Cforest(NSC = 98%,MAE = 3.2%)> Cubist(NSC = 90%,MAE = 10.6%) > Elasticnet(NSC = 90%和MAE = 10.7)> ANFIS(NSC> 90%和MAE = 11%)> BMARS(NSC = 89%和MAE = 11.2%)> XGBoost(NSC = 89%和11.3%)。根据Cforest绘制的地图(即我们评估中表现最佳的算法),我们确定了四种粉尘敏感性等级,它们各自的总面积范围从低(32%),中度(8.2%),高(10%) ),达到非常高的水平(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。Elasticnet(NSC = 90%且MAE = 10.7)> ANFIS(NSC> 90%且MAE = 11%)> BMARS(NSC = 89%且MAE = 11.2%)> XGBoost(NSC = 89%和11.3%)。根据Cforest绘制的地图(即我们评估中表现最佳的算法),我们确定了四种粉尘敏感性等级,它们各自的总面积范围从低(32%),中度(8.2%),高(10%) ),达到非常高的水平(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。Elasticnet(NSC = 90%且MAE = 10.7)> ANFIS(NSC> 90%且MAE = 11%)> BMARS(NSC = 89%且MAE = 11.2%)> XGBoost(NSC = 89%和11.3%)。根据Cforest绘制的地图(即我们评估中表现最佳的算法),我们确定了四种粉尘敏感性等级,它们各自的总面积范围从低(32%),中度(8.2%),高(10%) ),达到非常高的水平(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。2%),高(10%)到非常高(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。2%),高(10%)到非常高(50%)。我们将Hamun-e-Jaz Murian的干燥湖床确定为粉尘排放量最高的地区。
