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Hybrid Removal of End-of-life Geosynchronous Satellites Using Solar Radiation Pressure and Impulsive Thrusts
Advances in Space Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2020.04.052
Hao Mei , Christopher J. Damaren , Xingqun Zhan

Abstract This paper proposes an analytical solution of removing end-of-life GEO satellites to the GEO graveyard region using solar radiation pressure (SRP) and impulsive thrusts. The dynamic model of a GEO satellite equipped with a solar sail is first built upon the magnitude comparisons of different accelerations exerted on the satellite. Then the dynamic system is constructed based on the Gauss’s Variation of Parameter (VOP) equations, and linearized along a nominal trajectory. Control angles of the sail and impulsive thrust vectors are generated using the proposed optimal hybrid disturbance-accommodation tracking maneuvers. Simulations indicate that, to remove a satellite in 360 days using only SRP with the proposed method, a minimal area-to-mass (A/M) ratio of 0.13 m 2 / kg is required. When the A/M ratio of spacecraft is smaller than the minimal value, impulsive thrusts are applied to assist the removal process. For a satellite with an A/M ratio of 0.1 m 2 / kg , a total impulse of 10.5 m / s is required.



摘要 本文提出了一种利用太阳辐射压力(SRP)和脉冲推力将报废GEO卫星移至GEO墓地区域的解析解决方案。配备太阳帆的 GEO 卫星的动力学模型首先建立在对卫星施加的不同加速度的幅度比较之上。然后基于高斯参数变分 (VOP) 方程构建动态系统,并沿标称轨迹线性化。使用所提出的最佳混合干扰-调节跟踪机动生成帆和脉冲推力矢量的控制角。模拟表明,为了在 360 天内仅使用 SRP 和所提出的方法移除一颗卫星,需要 0.13 m 2 / kg 的最小面积质量 (A/M) 比。当航天器的 A/M 比小于最小值时,施加脉冲推力来辅助移除过程。对于 A/M 比为 0.1 m 2 / kg 的卫星,需要 10.5 m / s 的总脉冲。