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Experimental Study on Factors Influencing the Expansive Properties of Disturbed Swelling Rock
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11204-020-09641-8
Jin-Shu Wang , Guang Wu , Zhi-Ming Zhao , Lin Li , Qi Lian , Liu He

In this study the vertical swelling pressure in disturbed expansive soil was evaluated under constant-volume hydration swelling tests. The volume change during inundation was observed under two conditions: constant vertical stress at inundation and constant volume. A swelling stress-strain relationship model of compacted expansive soil is established under a one-dimensional axial load, which is related to the properties of the soil and can be used to predict the swelling stress of compacted soil with high density or strain under a specific axial load. This study can help to predict the swelling stress and strain of compacted expansive rock.



