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Distribution and Interannual Changes of the Zooplankton of the Durgun Water Basin and Adjoining Water Objects (the Western Mongolia)
Inland Water Biology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995082920010113
A. V. Krylov

The article describes quantitative and structural characteristics of zooplankton of polytypic sites of a water system including a lake, canal, and a water reservoir. It is shown that in the littoral zone of lakes and water reservoirs, the number of species and communities is higher, and biomass, lower. However, in the littoral zone of shallow lake zooplankton in number, took priority due to Rotifera, in the deep part of the water body – Rotifera and Cladocera; in the center of the lake zooplankton dominated by biomass due to Cladocera and Copepoda, in the water reservoir—due to the Copepoda. The dam area of the water reservoir had the highest species richness of zooplankton among all studied sites. The greatest number and biomass of zooplankton within a waterbody are noted in upper part, where a sedimentation zone had formed, and as a whole for the system of the investigated waterbodies, the maximum quantity indices are typical of lake communities. It is revealed that the starkest interannual changes in zooplankton were observed in the shallow lake: the number of species decreased—in the littoral zone at the expense of Rotifera, and in the center, the biomass increased at the expense of Cladocera; in deep-water area of the dam area of the reservoir, conversely, the number of species, as well as the number and biomass of the community, increased due to Copepoda.


