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Mass Reproduction of Polygraphus proximus Blandford in Fir Forests of Siberia Infected with Root and Stem Pathogens: Monitoring, Patterns, and Biological Control
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425520010060
I. N. Pavlov , Y. A. Litovka , D. V. Golubev , S. A. Astapenko , P. V. Chromogin , Y. V. Usoltseva , P. V. Makolova , S. M. Petrenko


Conifer decline (Abies sibirica Ledeb. stands) as a result of complex biotic effects on the territory of Krasnoyarsk krai by 2018 reached an area of 541 400 ha; the potential area of further death of A. sibirica is up to 10 million ha. The main reason is the phytopathogenic fungi Armillaria mellea s.l. and Heterobasidion annosum s.l. combined with bark beetle Polygraphus proximus. Trees affected by root pathogens are centers of forest dieback, from which pathological outbreaks spread, including the effects of P. proximus and its phytopathogenic mycoassociates. Neonectria fuckeliana (C. Booth) Castl & Rossman is among the concomitant pathogens in the scale of the lesion, which causes a resin flow that is similar to the effects of P. proximus attack. The phytopathogenicity of pure cultures of the dominant root pathogens of Armillaria borealis Marxm. & Korhonen and Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref., as well as the stem pathogen of N. fuckeliana, has been confirmed by a series of experiments in vitro. Promising natural agents for the regulation of P. proximus abundance are highly virulent aboriginal strains of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.–Criv.) Vuill., resulting in maximum insect death (up to 100%) for 7–11 days and retaining activity in the temperature range of 16–24 ± 1°C.


西伯利亚杉木林中被根和茎病原体感染的弓形虫polypolyus proximus Blandford的大量繁殖:监测,模式和生物控制。


由于对克拉斯诺亚尔斯克(Krasnoyarsk)克拉伊(Krai)领土产生了复杂的生物影响,针叶树数量下降(Abies sibirica Ledeb。站立)到2018年达到541 400公顷;西伯利亚曲霉进一步死亡的潜在面积可达1000万公顷。主要原因是结合皮甲虫(Polygraphus proximus)的植物病原真菌蜜环菌(Armillaria mellea sl)和异核异鞭毛虫Heterobasidion annosum sl)。受病原体根树木森林枯死的中心,从病理疫情蔓延,包括的影响P. Proximus公司和它的植物病原mycoassociates。夜蛾(C. Booth)Castl&Rossman是病灶范围内的伴随病原体之一,其病原体流动类似于近端疟原虫的侵袭。蜜环菌蜜的主要根病原体纯培养物的植物致病性。&Korhonen和Heterobasidion annosum(Fr.)Bref 通过一系列的体外实验已经证实了该菌以及无性猪笼草的干病原体。调节百日咳杆菌丰富度的有前途的天然药物是球孢白僵菌的高毒力土著菌株。 (巴尔-弯曲)。,可导致7-11天的最大昆虫死亡(高达100%),并在16-24±1°C的温度范围内保持活性。