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Biodiversity and Structure of Undisturbed Mountain Siberian Pine Taiga of the Idarsky Belogorye Ridge (East Sayan)
Contemporary Problems of Ecology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995425520010047
M. E. Konovalova , D. M. Danilina , N. V. Stepanov , V. B. Timoshkin , D. S. Sobachkin


The structure of flora and fauna, which is a standard of the state and dynamics of the taiga forests in humid climatic facies of the Altai-Sayan mountain region, has been analyzed based on the example of the undisturbed mountain Siberian Pine taiga (Eastern Sayan mountains). The ecological–phytocenotic features and floristic and faunistic composition of the late succession stage are studied. The dominance of the green moss group of forest types is revealed across the topographic profiles. The forest stands have a complex age structure with the dominance of Pinus sibirica Du Tour. and are characterized by low productivity (quality classes IV–V prevail), high class of normality (from 0.5 to 1.0), and sufficient regeneration. A floristic, ecological–coenotic analysis of the herb–dwarf-shrub layer, the elements of undergrowth, and the moss cover indicates the dominance of humid taiga flora. The species of the taiga ecological–coenotic group (ECG) (Vaccinium myrtillus, Carex iljinii, Calamagrostis obtusata, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Phegopteris connectilis, Oxalis acetosella, Aegopodium alpestre, Trientalis europaea, Linnaea borealis, Maianthemum bifolium, Stellaria bungeana, et al.), moss–bog ECG (Ledum palustre, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex globularis et al.), and bor-taiga ECG (Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Pyrola rotundifolia, Lycopodium annotinum et al.) form the herb–dwarf-shrub layer in the prevailing forest types. Green mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi with a mixture of Ptilium crista-castrensis and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus) dominate in the moss layer. Polytrichum commune, P. strictum, Dicranum scoparium, D. polysetum, and Sphagnum sp. mosses are found in some sites. The increased role of higher spore plants characterizes the flora as well-preserved archaic features flora. The Siberian pine forest coenoflora consists of 224 species and belongs to the Cyperaceae type. In the structure of the geographical elements of the flora, the leading role belongs to the Palaearctic, European, and Siberian elements with an increased role of endemics. The species typical for the Siberia taiga complex compose the core of the fauna. The most diverse avifauna is represented by 102 species (Tarsiger cyanurus, Parus montanus, Parus ater, Luscinia calliope, Sitta europaea, Loxia curvirostra, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Tetrastes bonasia, Phylloscopus proregulus, etc.).


Idarsky Belogorye山脊(东萨彦)原状西伯利亚松针叶林的生物多样性和结构


植物和动物的结构是阿尔泰-萨彦岭地区湿润气候相中针叶林状态和动态的标准,并以未受干扰的西伯利亚松树针叶林(东萨彦岭)为例进行了分析。 )。研究了演替后期的生态植物特征和植物区系。整个地形图揭示了森林类型的绿色苔藓群的优势。林分年龄结构复杂,以西伯利亚松为主导杜游。并具有生产率低(质量等级为IV-V的水平),正态性等级较高(从0.5到1.0)和足够的再生为特征。对草本-矮灌木层,灌木丛下的植物和苔藓覆盖的植物学,生态学分析表明,湿润的针叶林植物区系占主导地位。针叶生态-coenotic组(ECG)(的物种欧洲越桔苔草iljinii拂子obtusata欧洲羽节蕨卵果蕨白花酢浆草羊角芹七瓣莲林奈北极光舞鹤草斯特拉瑞亚Stellaria bungeana)等人,苔藓沼泽心电图(Ledum palustre牛痘越桔Carex globularis等人)和博尔塔伊加心电图(Vaccinium v​​itis-idaeaPyrola rotundifolia番荔枝Lycopodium annotinum等)。 –主流森林类型中的矮灌木层。绿色的青苔(Hylocomium splendensPleurozium schreberi以及Ptilium crista-castrensisRhytidiadelphus triquetrus的混合物)占主导地位。多头公社严格体育龙骨草D. polysetum泥炭藓。在某些地方发现苔藓。高等孢子植物的作用增加表明该植物群是保存完好的古特征植物群。西伯利亚松树林的小花科植物由224种组成,属于莎草科类型。在植物区系地理元素的结构中,主导角色属于古北,欧洲和西伯利亚元素,地方性角色的作用增加。西伯利亚taiga复合体的典型物种构成了动物区系的核心。最多样化的鸟类是102种(Tarsiger cyanurusParus montanusParus aterLuscinia calliopeSitta europaea)。非洲玉米LoLoxia curvirostra),球藻(球孢子),红四叶猴Tetrastes bonasia)早熟毛竹Phylloscopus proregulus)等。