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Taxonomic revision of Rinorea ilicifolia (Violaceae) from Africa and Madagascar
Kew Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s12225-020-9866-6
Gregory A. Wahlert , Keith E. Gilland , Harvey E. Ballard

The uncertain taxonomic circumscription between Rinorea ilicifolia (Welw. ex Oliv.) Kuntze and R. spinosa (Boivin ex Tul.) Baill. has led to considerable confusion when attempting to identify the two species. The plants from mainland Africa have typically been determined as R. ilicifolia while the plants in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands have been variously assigned to R. spinosa, R. ilicifolia, or R. ilicifolia subsp. spinosa (Boivin ex Tul.) Grey-Wilson. A third taxon from east Africa, R. ilicifolia var. amplexicaulis Grey-Wilson, has auriculate leaf bases and a mostly discrete distribution from R. ilicifolia, suggesting a greater degree of divergence than is indicated by its taxonomic rank of variety. To better understand the circumscription among these three taxa, we performed multivariate and discriminant analyses of six quantitative variables measured from herbarium specimens. Based on results from these analyses, we deemed there was insufficient morphological divergence to maintain R. ilicifolia and R. spinosa as separate species. Instead, we recognise a single species, R. ilicifolia, composed of three subspecies: R. ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia in mainland Africa, R. ilicifolia subsp. spinosa in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, and R. ilicifolia subsp. amplexicaulis (Grey-Wilson) Wahlert, comb. et stat. nov. from Tanzania and Burundi. Here we provide a taxonomic revision of R. ilicifolia, a distribution map and preliminary risk of extinction assessment using IUCN Red List categories and criteria for the three subspecies. We also propose a change of status for Rinorea [unranked] Ilicifoliae Engl. to the rank of section, an action supported by phylogenetic and morphological evidence. The new section includes R. ilicifolia and 13 other taxa from mainland Africa. Lectotypes are designated for the section and for Alsodeia spinosa Boivin ex Tul., and a second-step lectotype is selected for Alsodeia ilicifolia Welw. ex Oliv.



Rinorea ilicifolia(Welw。ex Oliv。)Kuntze和R. spinosa(Boivin ex Tul。)Baill之间不确定的分类学界限。试图识别两个物种时,已经引起了极大的困惑。来自非洲大陆的植物通常被确定为R. ilicifolia,而马达加斯加和科摩罗群岛的植物已被不同地分配为SpinosaR。ilicifoliaR. ilicifolia亚种。spinosa(Boivin前Tul。)Grey-Wilson。来自东非的第三类群,R。ilicifolia var。Amplexicaulis Grey-Wilson,具叶基,从拟南芥R. ilicifolia)表示比其分类学分类排名所显示的差异程度更大。为了更好地了解这三个分类单元之间的界限,我们对从植物标本室标本中测量的六个定量变量进行了多变量和判别分析。根据这些分析的结果,我们认为没有足够的形态学差异来保持R. ilicifoliaR. spinosa为单独的物种。取而代之的是,我们认识到由三个亚种组成的单一物种R. ilicifoliaR. ilicifolia亚种。月青在非洲大陆,R.月青亚种。在马达加斯加和科摩罗群岛,以及R. ilicifolia亚种。抱茎(灰色威尔逊)Wahlert,梳子。等统计。十一月 来自坦桑尼亚和布隆迪。在这里,我们提供了R. ilicifolia的分类学修订,分布图以及使用IUCN红色名录类别和三个亚种的标准进行的灭绝评估的初步风险。我们还建议更改Rinorea [未分级] Ilicifoliae Engl的身份。在本部分中,有系统发育和形态学证据支持的动作。新部分包括R. ilicifolia和非洲大陆的其他13个分类单元。该节和刺槐也有选型。Boivin ex Tul。,并且选择了Aldedeia ilicifolia Welw的第二步选型。前奥利夫。