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Age-stage, two-sex life table of the biocontrol agent, Altica cyanea on three Ludwigia species
Biologia ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.2478/s11756-020-00503-0
Saubhik Mitra , Syed Husne Mobarak , Anandamay Barik

Altica cyanea (Weber, 1801) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a biocontrol agent of Onagraceae rice-field weeds, Ludwigia adscendens (L.) Hara, L. parviflora Roxb. and L. octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven in India. Hence, it is relevant to study the life history traits and population growth of A. cyanea on three Ludwigia species using age-stage, two-sex life table. The nutritional and antinutritional contents from leaves of the Ludwigia species were measured to comment on the role of nutrients and antinutrients on growth, development and fecundity of A. cyanea. Total larval developmental time was the shortest on L. adscendens (17.78 ± 0.22 days), intermediate on L. parviflora (20.35 ± 0.24 days) and the longest on L. octovalvis (21.98 ± 0.24 days). Total fecundity was the highest on L. adscendens (147.22 ± 4.74 eggs/female) followed by L. parviflora (119.28 ± 4.70 eggs/female) and the lowest on L. octovalvis (89.62 ± 3.45 eggs/female). The intrinsic rate of increase (r) ranged from 0.0639 to 0.0875 d− 1, which was the lowest on L. octovalvis and the highest on L. adscendens. Population projection indicates that the population growth would be the fastest on L. adscendens and the slowest on L. octovalvis. The nutrients (lipids, amino acids and nitrogen) and antinutrients (tannins) were higher and lower, respectively, in L. adscendens than the other two Ludwigia species, which influenced faster larval development, higher adult longevity and greater fecundity of A. cyanea on L. adscendens. This study suggested that mass release of A. cyanea could be applied in biocontol program of these three Ludwigia weeds.



ALTICA霞(韦伯,1801)(鞘翅目:叶甲科)是柳叶菜科稻田杂草的生物防治剂,丁香adscendens(L.)原,L.小花的罗。和印度的octovalvis(Jacq。)Raven。因此,利用年龄,两性生命表研究三种路德维希氏菌的生活史特征和蓝藻种群增长是有意义的。从叶的营养和抗营养含量丁香品种进行测定,以评论的生长发育和繁殖力的营养和抗营养因子的作用A.霞。总幼虫的发育时间最短的L. adscendens(17.78±0.22天),在小花乳杆菌上中等(20.35±0.24天),在最长乳杆菌上最长(21.98±0.24天)。总繁殖力在L. adscendens上最高(147.22±4.74个鸡蛋/雌性),其次是L. parviflora(119.28±4.70个鸡蛋/雌性),最低的是在L. octovalvis(89.62±3.45个鸡蛋/雌性)。增加(的固有速率- [R )介于0.0639 0.0875到d - 1,这是最低的上L. octovalvis和最高的上L. adscendens。人口预测表明,人口增长最快的将是L. adscendens,而最慢的是八倍体乳杆菌。营养物质(脂类,氨基酸和氮)和抗营养因子(单宁)为较高和较低的,分别在L. adscendens比其他两个丁香物种,这影响了更快的幼虫发育,成人较高的寿命和更大的繁殖力A.霞L. adcendens。这项研究表明,大规模释放A.霞能够在这三个biocontol程序适用丁香杂草。
