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Bipartite Hansel results for hypergraphs
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103136
Gregory Churchill , Brendan Nagle

For integers nk2, let V be an n-element set, and let Vk denote the set of all k-element subsets of V. For disjoint A,BV, we say {A,B} covers KVk if KȦB and K meets each of A and B, i.e., KAKB. We say that a collection C of such pairs {A,B} covers Vk if every element of Vk is covered by at least one member of C. When k=2, such a family is called a separating system of V, where this concept was introduced by Rényi (1961) and studied by many authors.

Let h(n,k) denote the minimum value of {A,B}C(|A|+|B|) among all covers C of Vk. Hansel (1964) determined the bounds nlog2nh(n,2)nlog2n, and Bollobás and Scott (2007) determined an exact formula for h(n,2). We extend these results to give an exact formula for h(n,k), and to guarantee that all optimal covers C of Vk share a common degree-sequence. Our proofs follow lines of Bollobás and Scott, together with weight-shifting arguments in a similar vein to some of Motzkin and Straus (1965).



对于整数 ñķ2,让 V 豆角,扁豆 ñ-元素集,然后让 Vķ 表示全部 ķ的元素子集 V。不相交一种V, 我们说 {一种} 盖子 ķVķ 如果 ķ一种̇ķ 遇到每个 一种,即 ķ一种ķ。我们说一个集合C 这样的对 {一种} 盖子 Vķ 如果每个元素 Vķ 被至少一名成员覆盖 C。什么时候ķ=2,这样的家庭称为 V,这个概念由Rényi(1961)提出并被许多作者研究。

Hñķ 表示的最小值 {一种}C|一种|+|| 在所有封面中 CVķ。汉塞尔(1964)确定了界限ñ日志2ñHñ2ñ日志2ñ,而Bollobás和Scott(2007)确定了 Hñ2。我们扩展这些结果以给出精确的公式Hñķ,并确保所有最佳覆盖 CVķ共有一个度数序列 我们的证明遵循Bollobás和Scott的观点,以及与Motzkin和Straus(1965)相似的权重转移论点。
