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Proboscideans from the upper Miocene localities of Thermopigi, Neokaisareia and Platania (Northern Greece)
Annales de Paléontologie ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annpal.2019.102380
George E. Konidaris , Evangelia Tsoukala

In the present article, we study the proboscidean remains from three upper Miocene localities of Northern Greece: Thermopigi (Serres), Neokaisareia (Pieria) and Platania (Drama). The material from the Turolian locality of Thermopigi includes only postcranial specimens. The morphological features of the scapula indicate the presence of the deinotheriid Deinotherium sp., whereas the rest of the specimens are morphologically distinct from Deinotherium and can be referred to Elephantimorpha indet. The material from Neokaisareia consists of a partial skeleton of a single individual and is attributed to the mammutid Mammut sp. (M. obliquelophus?). This taxon is known in Greece from the early–middle Turolian. The Platania proboscidean belongs to the tetralophodont amebelodontid Konobelodon cf. atticus. The genus Konobelodon was already present during the Vallesian of the wider area, but the lower tusk of the Platania shovel-tusker presents some morphological and metrical differences from the Vallesian representative, yet it has also smaller dimensions in its deciduous dentition than the morphologically similar Turolian specimens. The type locality of K. atticus is Pikermi (Attica, Greece), correlated to the middle Turolian, but the known biostratigraphic range of this species covers the entire Turolian. Platania is possibly correlated close to the Vallesian/Turolian boundary and the possible record of this species could document one of its earliest occurrences.



在本文中,我们研究了希腊北部三个中新世上层地区的长喙鲸残骸:热皮吉(Serres),新凯撒利亚(Pieria)和普拉塔尼亚(Drama)。来自Thermopigi的Turolian地区的材料仅包括颅后标本。肩cap骨的形态学特征表明存在灭热灭绝Deinotherium sp。,而其余标本在形态学上与灭绝灭龙Deinotherium完全不同,可以称为象鼻龙Indetimorpha indet。Neokaisareia的材料由单个个体的部分骨骼组成,并归因于mammutid Mammut sp。(M. obliquelophus?)。这个分类单元在希腊语中以早期的土耳其语闻名。该普拉塔尼亚长鼻属于tetralophodont amebelodontid Konobelodon比照 阿提克斯Konobelodon属已经存在于更广泛地区的瓦列斯时期,但是普拉塔尼亚铲齿的下象牙与瓦列斯代的齿形有一定的形态和度量差异,但其落叶牙列的尺寸也比形态相似的吐鲁里亚小。标本。阁楼K. atticus的类型局部性是Pikermi(希腊Attica),与中部Turolian有关,但是该物种的已知生物地层学范围涵盖了整个Turolian。Platania可能与Vallesian / Turolian边界附近相关,并且该物种的可能记录可以证明其最早发生的事件之一。
