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Breeding ecology of the Andalusian Buttonquail Turnix sylvaticus sylvaticus
Ostrich ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2020.1712665
Carlos Gutiérrez-Expósito 1 , Ruth García-Gorria 2 , Abdeljebbar Qninba 3 , Miguel Clavero 1 , Eloy Revilla 1

Understanding the breeding cycle of wildlife is essential to afford conservation strategies. This is especially important for barely studied species and urgent for those at serious risk of extinction. The Andalusian Buttonquail is an endangered endemic of the Western Mediterranean, confined to a cultivated strip in the Moroccan Atlantic coast. We performed 2 302 sampling events to determine the presence-absence and breeding of the species. The breeding season lasted for eight months, from February to October. Present in 17 different crops, breeding occurred in all but cucumber and artichoke. However, a strong preference for breeding crops was found for alfalfa, pumpkin and maize fields. Nests were 82 mm × 71.4 mm grass-lined structures built on a ground scrape. Eggs had 26.14 mm mean maximum length, 20.24 mean diameter and weighed 5.9 g. All complete clutches had four eggs and the hatching rate was 3.42. All but one of the monitored nests successfully reared at least one chick. Clutch size and hatching rate matched other Buttonquail populations and species, so causes of the decline must be found in other stages of the reproductive cycle. In this sense, additional studies are needed to reveal chick and juvenile survival.


安达卢西亚牛quaTurni sylvaticus sylvaticus的繁殖生态

了解野生动植物的繁殖周期对于提供保护策略至关重要。这对于刚刚研究的物种尤其重要,对于那些面临严重灭绝风险的物种而言则尤为重要。安达卢西亚人钮扣鹌鹑是西地中海的一种濒临灭绝的地方特有种,仅限于摩洛哥大西洋沿岸的人工栽培地带。我们进行了2 302次采样事件,以确定该物种的存在与否和繁殖。从二月到十月的繁殖季节持续了八个月。存在于17种不同的农作物中,除黄瓜和朝鲜蓟以外的所有农作物都进行了育种。但是,人们发现苜蓿,南瓜和玉米田对农作物的生长具有强烈的偏好。巢穴为82毫米×71.4毫米的草木结构,它们是在地面刮板上构建的。鸡蛋的平均最大长度为26.14毫米,平均直径为20.24,重5.9克。所有完整的离合器都有四个卵,孵化率是3.42。除一个受监视的巢外,所有巢都成功饲养了至少一只雏鸡。离合器的大小和孵化率与其他Buttonquail种群和物种匹配,因此必须在生殖周期的其他阶段找到下降的原因。从这个意义上讲,还需要进一步的研究来揭示雏鸡和少年的生存情况。
