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Breeding ecology of the Cream-coloured Courser in Cape Verde
Ostrich ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2019.1704900
Romy Rice 1 , José O Valdebenito 2 , Meinolf Ottensmann 3 , Noémie Engel 1 , Andreia Adrião 4 , Tamás Székely 1, 2, 4

The Cream-coloured Courser Cursorius cursor exsul is a data-deficient shorebird distributed across Eurasia and Africa. The subspecies exsul is endemic to the Cape Verde archipelago. In contrast with their mainland breeding sites, where coursers appear to be nomadic and rare throughout their range, the Cape Verde population is year-round resident and locally abundant. Here we investigate the breeding ecology of Cream-coloured Coursers in Maio, Cape Verde, where they breed in rocky semi-desert habitat. Over four consecutive breeding seasons (2015–2018), we found 52 nests, and ringed 56 adults and 100 chicks. Forty eight percent of 52 nests produced at least one chick; the main nest predators were Brown-necked Ravens Corvus ruficollis and domestic dogs Canis familiaris. Although coursers were thought to be sexually monomorphic, we found that adult males had longer tarsi than adult females. Coursers appeared to be socially monogamous and both sexes incubated the eggs and reared the young. Maio is currently a rural island with little development; however, the island is faced with the threat of touristic development. Therefore, research is required to understand how the courser population will respond to anthropogenic pressures in the future.



奶油色Courser Cursorius光标exsul是分布在欧亚大陆和非洲的数据不足的shore鸟。该亚种exsul是特有的佛得角群岛。与他们的内地繁殖地不同,在整个范围内,野马似乎都是游牧的,并且很少见,佛得角的人口是全年常住的,并且在当地很丰富。在这里,我们研究佛得角马约岛的米色奶油色松鼠的繁殖生态,他们在多岩石的半沙漠生境中繁殖。在连续四个繁殖季节(2015-2018年)中,我们发现了52个巢穴,圈养了56只成年和100只小鸡。52个巢中有48%产生了至少一只雏鸡。主要的巢捕食者是棕颈乌鸦乌鸦和家养犬犬熟悉。尽管认为驯鹿者在性别上是单性的,但我们发现成年男性比成年女性具有更长的子。教练似乎在社会上是一夫一妻制的,并且两性都孵化了卵并抚养了年轻人。马约岛目前是一个乡村岛,发展缓慢。然而,该岛面临着旅游业发展的威胁。因此,需要进行研究以了解病种种群在将来如何应对人为压力。
