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Nitrogen use Rationalization and Boosting Wheat Productivity by Applying Packages ‎of Humic, Amino Acids, and Microorganisms
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1744631
Hani Saber Saudy 1 , Mohamed Fawzy Hamed 1 , Wasfi Ramadan Abd El-Momen 1 , Hossam Hussein 1

ABSTRACT Integrated management of soil organic matter and nutritional status of crop plants is essential to sustain the production of organic farming systems. Thus, a 2–year field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of soil additions (192 kg N ha–1, humic+192 kg N ha–1, humic+144 kg N ha–1 and humic+96 kg N ha–1) and foliar applications (amino acids, Azotobacter+yeast, and amino acids plus Azotobacter+yeast) as various fertilizer resources on growth and yield of wheat. Results showed that humic+192 kg N ha–1 × amino acids plus Azotobacter+yeast were the effective combination for producing the highest values of flag leaf area, total dry weight, tiller number m–2, spike weight m–2, and grain yield ha–1. Under foliar application of amino acids plus Azotobacter+yeast, reducing N supply from recommended rate (192 kg N ha–1) to 144 kg N ha–1+ humic achieved higher values of all yield traits, with a saving of 25% of applied mineral nitrogen as well as enhancing nitrogen use efficiency.



摘要 土壤有机质和作物营养状况的综合管理对于维持有机农业系统的生产至关重要。因此,进行了为期 2 年的田间试验,以检查土壤添加量(192 kg N ha–1、腐殖酸 +192 kg N ha–1、腐殖酸 +144 kg N ha–1 和腐殖酸 +96 kg N ha–)的影响1)和叶面喷施(氨基酸、固氮菌+酵母、氨基酸加固氮菌+酵母)作为各种肥料资源对小麦生长和产量的影响。结果表明,腐殖酸+192 kg N ha–1 × 氨基酸加固氮菌+酵母是产生最高旗叶面积、总干重、分蘖数 m–2、穗重 m–2 和籽粒的有效组合。产量 ha-1。在氨基酸加固氮菌+酵母叶面喷施下,