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A tale of resilience: The periodic table after radioactivity and the discovery of the neutron
Centaurus ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-14 , DOI: 10.1111/1600-0498.12245
Brigitte Van Tiggelen 1 , Annette Lykknes 2

After 150 years of scientific developments, the periodic system of chemical elements is still an icon of modern science. Its resilience is striking. The icon used today by scientists and teachers is in fact the outcome of many rearrangements and reinterpretations by the scientific community during that period. This success is often explained as a result of the underlying atomic structure, discovered in the first decades of the 20th century, an explanation that completely neglects the fine structure of the process of ongoing renegotiation and successive stabilizations. How did indeed contemporary scientists navigate in times of reinterpretation? The physicist Lise Meitner and the chemist Ida Noddack were, in different ways, involved in discoveries and interpretations of the periodic system. In 1934, as part of the celebration of the centenary of Dmitri Mendeleev's birth, they each published an article on the system: Meitner in Die Naturwissenschaften, and Noddack in Angewandte Chemie. These two articles, written from the perspectives of a nuclear physicist and a chemist experienced in searching for undiscovered elements, respectively, constitute excellent sources for understanding what new discoveries and insights meant for the meaning and value of the periodic system at the very beginning of the nuclear age in science. Through an analysis of the two contributions, we will argue that resilience is the foremost value of the periodic system. We will also discuss what this value means for the future of the periodic system and its representations.



经过150年的科学发展,化学元素的周期性系统仍然是现代科学的标志。它的弹性惊人。实际上,科学家和教师今天使用的图标实际上是在此期间科学界进行的许多重新排列和重新解释的结果。这种成功通常是由于20世纪前几十年发现的潜在原子结构而引起的,这种解释完全忽略了正在进行的重新谈判和连续稳定过程的精细结构。在重新诠释时代,当代科学家的确是如何驾驭的?物理学家Lise Meitner和化学家Ida Noddack以不同的方式参与了对周期系统的发现和解释。在1934年,Die NaturwissenschaftenAngewandte Chemie中的Noddack 。这两篇文章分别是从在寻找未发现元素方面经验丰富的核物理学家和化学家的角度撰写的,它们构成了很好的资源,可以帮助他们理解新发现和新见解对周期系统的意义和价值意味着什么。科学的核时代。通过分析这两个贡献,我们将认为弹性是周期系统的最重要价值。我们还将讨论该值对周期系统及其表示形式的未来意味着什么。