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Computability of graphs
Mathematical Logic Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.1002/malq.201900025
Zvonko Iljazović 1

We consider topological pairs ( A , B ) , B A , which have computable type, which means that they have the following property: if X is a computable topological space and f : A X a topological imbedding such that f ( A ) and f ( B ) are semicomputable sets in X, then f ( A ) is a computable set in X. It is known, e.g., that ( M , M ) has computable type if M is a compact manifold with boundary. In this paper we examine topological spaces called graphs and we show that we can in a natural way associate to each graph G a discrete subspace E so that ( G , E ) has computable type. Furthermore, we use this result to conclude that certain noncompact semicomputable graphs in computable metric spaces are computable.



我们考虑拓扑对 一种 一种 ,具有可计算的类型,这意味着它们具有以下属性:如果X是可计算的拓扑空间,并且 F 一种 X 诸如此类的拓扑嵌入 F 一种 F X中的半计算集,则 F 一种 X中的可计算集合。众所周知,例如 中号 中号 如果M是带边界的紧流形,则为可计算类型。在本文中,我们研究了称为图的拓扑空间,并证明了我们可以自然地将每个图G关联一个离散子空间E,从而 G Ë 具有可计算的类型。此外,我们使用此结果得出结论,可计算度量空间中的某些非紧致半可计算图是可计算的。