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Length-weight relationship of 13 middle Uruguay River basin species, Southern Brazil
Journal of Applied Ichthyology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1111/jai.14022
Marthoni Vinicius Massaro 1 , Juliana Felden 1 , Lucas Adriano Pachla 1 , Débora Alessandra Antonetti 2 , David Augusto Reynalte‐Tataje 1

Length‐weight relationship (LWRs) were determined for 13 fish species from the Uruguay River. The fish were caught in six locations and sampled at each location during each season, totaling 72 samplings, starting in May 2016 and ending in February 2018. Various materials were used such as gillnets (15; 20; 25 30; 40 and 80 mm, triple mesh 150.30.150 150.40.150 and 150.50.150 mm, 8 mm trawl). We also used two longlines, 100 m long, 30 hooks each (hooks 5/0 and 12/0), baited with small fish, corn and snail. Length‐weight relationship were adjusted appropriately for all species (r² > .95). The b values of the LRW equations ranged from 2.38 in Steindachnerina brevipinna to 3.62 in Pimelodus atrobrunneus.



确定了来自乌拉圭河的 13 种鱼类的长重关系 (LWR)。从 2016 年 5 月开始到 2018 年 2 月结束,每个季节在 6 个地点捕获这些鱼,并在每个地点取样,共计 72 次取样。使用了各种材料,例如刺网(15;20;25 30;40 和 80 毫米,三重网 150.30.150 150.40.150 和 150.50.150 毫米,8 毫米拖网)。我们还使用了两条延绳钓,100 m 长,每条 30 个钩子(钩子 5/0 和 12/0),用小鱼、玉米和蜗牛作为饵。所有物种的体长-体重关系都进行了适当调整(r² > .95)。LRW 方程的 b 值范围从 Steindachnerina brevipinna 的 2.38 到 Pimelodus atrobrunneus 的 3.62。