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Essential oils as molluscicidal agents against schistosomiasis transmitting snails - a review.
Acta Tropica ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105489
Luciana Patrícia Lima Alves Pereira 1 , Edilene Carvalho Gomes Ribeiro 1 , Maria Cristiane Aranha Brito 2 , Daniella Patrícia Brandão Silveira 3 , Fernanda Oliveira Sousa Araruna 1 , Felipe Bastos Araruna 1 , José Antonio Costa Leite 3 , Andressa Almeida Santana Dias 4 , Wellyson da Cunha Araújo Firmo 5 , Marilene Oliveira da Rocha Borges 6 , Antônio Carlos Romão Borges 1 , Denise Fernandes Coutinho 6

This review aims to describe essential oils with bioactivity on adult snails of the genera Bulinus and Biomphalaria, which are intermediate hosts of schistosomes, and brings together information relating to the importance of molluscicides and the chemical composition and toxicity of such oils for other aquatic species. Analysis of the data of original articles revealed that 50 essential oils obtained from 46 plant species were evaluated for molluscicidal activity against the genera cited. More than 80% of the volatile oils studied were active, according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (LC90 or LC100 ≤100 µg/mL or LC50 <40 µg/mL), and most of the oils came from plants belonging to the Rutaceae, Lamiaceae and Pinaceae. Around 37% of the surveyed plant species were obtained in Brazil and 88% of these plants were collected in the northeast of the country, a region with a high prevalence of schistosomiasis mansoni. The essential oils with the highest toxicity against host snails had high levels of hydrocarbon monoterpenes and oxygenated monoterpenes, which may be responsible for the molluscicidal activity. Some volatile components were subjected to molluscicidal evaluation, and the monoterpene compounds exhibited a significant molluscicide effect. This review confirmed the importance of essential oils as a promising alternative for the development of natural molluscicide products. However, in order to be safe for use at sites where schistosome intermediate hosts are found, information on ecotoxicity is required and, to date, few oils have been tested against non-target aquatic species.



这篇综述旨在描述对血吸虫的中间宿主——Bulinus和Biomphalaria属的成年蜗牛具有生物活性的精油,并将有关杀软体动物剂的重要性以及此类油对其他水生物种的化学组成和毒性的信息汇总在一起。对原始数据的分析表明,对从46种植物中提取的50种精油进行了针对所述属的杀软体动物活性评估。根据世界卫生组织的标准(LC90或LC100≤100µg / mL或LC50 <40 µg / mL),所研究的挥发油中有80%以上是有活性的,并且大多数油来自植物油中的植物。芸香科,唇形科和松科。大约37%的被调查植物物种来自巴西,而88%的植物是在该国东北部收集的,该地区是曼氏血吸虫病的高发地区。对寄主蜗牛毒性最高的精油中烃单萜和氧化单萜的含量较高,这可能是杀软体动物活性的原因。对一些挥发性组分进行了杀软体动物的评价,单萜化合物表现出明显的杀软体动物作用。这篇评论证实了精油作为开发天然杀软体动物产品的有希望替代品的重要性。但是,为了在发现血吸虫中间宿主的场所安全使用,需要有关生态毒性的信息,迄今为止,