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Effects of Light Intensity and Ground Cover on Seedling Regeneration of Tetracentron sinense Oliv.
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00344-020-10137-w
Xueheng Lu , Ning Xu , Yang Chen , Yang Li , Xiaohong Gan

We aimed to explore the factors affecting seedling regeneration in Tetracentron sinense by investigating the effects of light intensity and ground cover on seedling regeneration of T. sinense through controlled seeding experiments under simulated natural environmental conditions. Three levels of light intensity (equivalent to 100%, 50% and 10% of the natural light intensity, respectively) and three ground cover levels (without shrub-grass and litter, with only shrub-grass and with shrub-grass and litter) were controlled in the experiments to investigate seed germination, seeding survival and initial growth of T. sinense. The effect of different seedbeds and the interaction between light intensity and seedbed on germination was significant. Under the interaction between intensity and seedbed, the maximum germination rate of T. sinense seeds was found in seedbeds without ground cover under moderate light intensity. With the increase in seedling age, the survival rate of seedlings in each treatment decreased gradually. The survival curves in each treatment group showed a downward trend overall, the cumulative survival rate showed a monotonous downward trend, and cumulative mortality showed an upward trend. With the increase in seedling age, the maximum increase range of height, main root length, and total biomass appeared in the seedbed with shrub-grass and litter or with only shrub-grass under 50% light intensity. The results showed that T. sinense requires moderate light conditions for germination, which is negatively affected by extremely strong or weak light intensity. Additionally, litter and shrub-grass on the ground hinders seed germination. During seedling establishment, moderate shade is good for seedling survival and initial growth.



我们旨在通过模拟自然环境条件下的受控播种实验,研究光照强度和地被植物对中华茶树幼苗再生的影响,探讨影响中华茶树幼苗再生的因素。三个光照强度级别(分别相当于自然光强度的 100%、50% 和 10%)和三个地面覆盖水平(没有灌木草和枯枝落叶,只有灌木草和灌木草和枯枝落叶)在实验中进行控制以研究 T. sinense 的种子发芽、种子存活和初始生长。不同苗床和光照强度与苗床的相互作用对发芽的影响显着。在强度和苗床的相互作用下,T 的最大发芽率。在中等光照强度下,在没有地面覆盖的苗床中发现了中华种子。随着苗龄的增加,各处理幼苗成活率逐渐下降。各治疗组生存曲​​线总体呈下降趋势,累计生存率呈单调下降趋势,累计死亡率呈上升趋势。随着苗龄的增加,高度、主根长度和总生物量的最大增加幅度出现在50%光照强度下有灌草和枯枝落叶或仅有灌草的苗床。结果表明,T. sinense 需要适度的光照条件才能发芽,这会受到极强或极弱光强度的负面影响。此外,地面上的垃圾和灌木草会阻碍种子发芽。