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Beyond Allyship: Motivations for Advantaged Group Members to Engage in Action for Disadvantaged Groups.
Personality and Social Psychology Review ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1177/1088868320918698
Helena R M Radke 1 , Maja Kutlaca 2, 3 , Birte Siem 4 , Stephen C Wright 5 , Julia C Becker 2

White Americans who participate in the Black Lives Matter movement, men who attended the Women's March, and people from the Global North who work to reduce poverty in the Global South-advantaged group members (sometimes referred to as allies) often engage in action for disadvantaged groups. Tensions can arise, however, over the inclusion of advantaged group members in these movements, which we argue can partly be explained by their motivations to participate. We propose that advantaged group members can be motivated to participate in these movements (a) to improve the status of the disadvantaged group, (b) on the condition that the status of their own group is maintained, (c) to meet their own personal needs, and (d) because this behavior aligns with their moral beliefs. We identify potential antecedents and behavioral outcomes associated with these motivations before describing the theoretical contribution our article makes to the psychological literature.



参加“黑人生命也是命”运动的美国白人、参加妇女游行的男性以及致力于减少南半球贫困的北半球人士 弱势群体成员(有时称为盟友)经常为弱势群体采取行动组。然而,由于将优势群体成员纳入这些运动中,可能会出现紧张局势,我们认为这在一定程度上可以通过他们的参与动机来解释。我们建议,可以激励优势群体成员参与这些运动:(a) 提高弱势群体的地位;(b) 在维持自己群体地位的条件下;(c) 满足自己的个人需要。需要,以及 (d) 因为这种行为符合他们的道德信仰。在描述我们的文章对心理学文献做出的理论贡献之前,我们先确定与这些动机相关的潜在前因和行为结果。