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Lichens and associated fungi from Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
The Lichenologist ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0024282920000079
Toby Spribille 1, 2, 3 , Alan M Fryday 4 , Sergio Pérez-Ortega 5 , Måns Svensson 6 , Tor Tønsberg 7 , Stefan Ekman 6 , Håkon Holien 8, 9 , Philipp Resl 10 , Kevin Schneider 11 , Edith Stabentheiner 2 , Holger Thüs 12, 13 , Jan Vondrák 14, 15 , Lewis Sharman 16

Lichens are widely acknowledged to be a key component of high latitude ecosystems. However, the time investment needed for full inventories and the lack of taxonomic identification resources for crustose lichen and lichenicolous fungal diversity have hampered efforts to fully gauge the depth of species richness in these ecosystems. Using a combination of classical field inventory and extensive deployment of chemical and molecular analysis, we assessed the diversity of lichens and associated fungi in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska (USA), a mixed landscape of coastal boreal rainforest and early successional low elevation habitats deglaciated after the Little Ice Age. We collected nearly 5000 specimens and found a total of 947 taxa, including 831 taxa of lichen-forming and 96 taxa of lichenicolous fungi together with 20 taxa of saprotrophic fungi typically included in lichen studies. A total of 98 species (10.3% of those detected) could not be assigned to known species and of those, two genera and 27 species are described here as new to science: Atrophysma cyanomelanos gen. et sp. nov., Bacidina circumpulla, Biatora marmorea, Carneothele sphagnicola gen. et sp. nov., Cirrenalia lichenicola, Corticifraga nephromatis, Fuscidea muskeg, Fuscopannaria dillmaniae, Halecania athallina, Hydropunctaria alaskana, Lambiella aliphatica, Lecania hydrophobica, Lecanora viridipruinosa, Lecidea griseomarginata, L. streveleri, Miriquidica gyrizans, Niesslia peltigerae, Ochrolechia cooperi, Placynthium glaciale, Porpidia seakensis, Rhizocarpon haidense, Sagiolechia phaeospora, Sclerococcum fissurinae, Spilonema maritimum, Thelocarpon immersum, Toensbergia blastidiata and Xenonectriella nephromatis. An additional 71 ‘known unknown’ species are cursorily described. Four new combinations are made: Lepra subvelata (G. K. Merr.) T. Sprib., Ochrolechia minuta (Degel.) T. Sprib., Steineropsis laceratula (Hue) T. Sprib. & Ekman and Toensbergia geminipara (Th. Fr.) T. Sprib. & Resl. Thirty-eight taxa are new to North America and 93 additional taxa new to Alaska. We use four to eight DNA loci to validate the placement of ten of the new species in the orders Baeomycetales, Ostropales, Lecanorales, Peltigerales, Pertusariales and the broader class Lecanoromycetes with maximum likelihood analyses. We present a total of 280 new fungal DNA sequences. The lichen inventory from Glacier Bay National Park represents the second largest number of lichens and associated fungi documented from an area of comparable size and the largest to date in North America. Coming from almost 60°N, these results again underline the potential for high lichen diversity in high latitude ecosystems.



地衣被广泛认为是高纬度生态系统的关键组成部分。然而,全面清查所需的时间投入以及缺乏壳状地衣和地衣真菌多样性的分类鉴定资源阻碍了全面衡量这些生态系统物种丰富度深度的努力。结合经典的实地调查和广泛部署的化学和分子分析,我们评估了阿拉斯加冰川湾国家公园(美国)的地衣和相关真菌的多样性,该公园是沿海北方雨林和早期演替的低海拔栖息地的混合景观。小冰河时期之后。我们收集了近5000个标本,总共发现了947个类群,其中包括831个地衣形成类群和96个地衣真菌类群以及20个地衣研究中通常包括的腐生真菌类群。总共 98 个物种(占检测到的物种的 10.3%)无法归属于已知物种,其中两个属和 27 个物种在此被描述为科学新物种:蓝黑萎缩病将军 等 十一月,圆叶杆菌,马尔莫雷亚托拉,泥炭藻将军 等 十一月,地衣环孢菌,肾皮质,麝香褐藻,迪尔曼褐褐藻,南海螺,阿拉斯加水泡虫,脂肪兰比氏菌,疏水性勒卡尼亚,绿叶勒卡诺拉,灰边蟹,斯特维莱里氏乳杆菌,米里奎迪卡·吉里赞,斑叶尼丝虫,古铜色水母,冰轮藻,海洋豚鼠,海登根果,褐孢槐,裂隙硬球菌,滨海螺线虫,红果树,尖叶藻肾异线菌。还粗略地描述了另外 71 个“已知未知”物种。制作了四种新组合:麻风病(GK Merr.) T. Sprib.,小赭石(德格尔)T. Sprib.,裂叶石螟(色调)T. Sprib。&埃克曼和双生双叶藤(Th. Fr.)T. Sprib。&Resl。北美洲有 38 个新分类单元,阿拉斯加有 93 个新分类单元。我们使用四到八个 DNA 位点来验证十个新物种在目中的位置杆菌目,奥斯特罗帕莱斯,勒卡诺拉目,珀蒂杰拉目,百日草目以及更广泛的 Lecanoromycetes 类别的最大似然分析。我们总共展示了 280 个新的真菌 DNA 序列。冰川湾国家公园的地衣库存是在同等面积的地区记录的第二大地衣和相关真菌数量,也是北美迄今为止最大的地衣库存。这些结果来自近 60°N,再次强调了高纬度生态系统中地衣多样性的潜力。