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Several Metarhizium Species Produce Ergot Alkaloids in a Condition-Specific Manner.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1128/aem.00373-20
Caroline E Leadmon 1 , Jessi K Sampson 1 , Matthew D Maust 1 , Angie M Macias 1 , Stephen A Rehner 2 , Matthew T Kasson 1 , Daniel G Panaccione 3

Genomic sequence data indicate that certain fungi in the genus Metarhizium have the capacity to produce lysergic acid-derived ergot alkaloids, but accumulation of ergot alkaloids in these fungi has not been demonstrated previously. We assayed several Metarhizium species grown under different conditions for accumulation of ergot alkaloids. Isolates of M. brunneum and M. anisopliae accumulated the lysergic acid amides lysergic acid α-hydroxyethyl amide, ergine, and ergonovine on sucrose-yeast extract agar but not on two other tested media. Isolates of six other Metarhizium species did not accumulate ergot alkaloids on sucrose-yeast extract agar. Conidia of M. brunneum lacked detectable ergot alkaloids, and mycelia of this fungus secreted over 80% of their ergot alkaloid yield into the culture medium. Isolates of M. brunneum, M. flavoviride, M. robertsii, M. acridum, and M. anisopliae produced high concentrations of ergot alkaloids in infected larvae of the model insect Galleria mellonella, but larvae infected with M. pingshaense, M. album, M. majus, and M. guizhouense lacked detectable ergot alkaloids. Alkaloid concentrations were significantly higher when insects were alive (as opposed to killed by freezing or gas) at the time of inoculation with M. brunneum. Roots of corn and beans were inoculated with M. brunneum or M. flavoviride and global metabolomic analyses indicated that the inoculated roots were colonized, though no ergot alkaloids were detected. The data demonstrate that several Metarhizium species produce ergot alkaloids of the lysergic acid amide class and that production of ergot alkaloids is tightly regulated and associated with insect colonization.



基因组序列数据表明,Metarhizium属中的某些真菌具有产生麦角酸的麦角生物碱的能力,但是麦角生物碱在这些真菌中的积累尚未得到证实。我们分析几个绿僵菌的麦角生物碱的积累不同条件下生长的物种。的分离株M. brunneum绿僵菌中累积的麦角酸酰胺麦角酸α羟乙基酰胺,ergine,并在蔗糖-酵母提取物琼脂但不能在其它两种试验介质麦角新碱。其他6种菌株金龟子的物种没有累积麦角生物碱对蔗糖酵母提取物琼脂。分生孢子M. brunneum缺乏可检测的麦角生物碱,这种真菌的菌丝体将麦角生物碱产量的80%分泌到了培养基中。的分离株M. brunneumM. flavovirideM. robertsiiM. acridum,和绿僵菌产生的高浓度的模型中的昆虫的幼虫感染麦角生物碱的大蜡螟,但感染幼虫M. pingshaenseM.专辑M. majusM. guizhouense缺乏可检测的麦角生物碱。接种时,活着的昆虫(而不是被冰冻或毒气杀死)的生物碱浓度显着更高。布鲁尼姆(M. brunneum)。玉米和豆根接种了布鲁氏杆菌黄病毒,全球代谢组学分析表明接种的根已定殖,尽管未检出麦角生物碱。的数据证明,若干绿僵菌物种产生麦角酸酰胺类的麦角生物碱和其生产麦角生物碱的是被严格调控,并与昆虫定殖相关联。