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STEM CELLS ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1002/stem.3177

STEM CELLS 2010;28:743‐752; doi: 10.1002/stem.400

Erratum to: Nuclear Transfer‐Derived Epiblast Stem Cells Are Transcriptionally and Epigenetically Distinguishable from Their Fertilized‐Derived Counterparts

Julien Maruotti, Xiang Peng Dai, Vincent Brochard, Luc Jouneau, Jun Liu, Amélie Bonnet‐Garnier, Hélène Jammes, Ludovic Vallier, I. Gabrielle M. Brons, Roger Pedersen, Jean‐Paul Renard, Qi Zhou, Alice Jouneau

The above‐referenced article, published in 2010, examined the derivation process and the transcriptome of epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) derived from either fertilized embryos (FT‐EpiSCs) or somatic nuclear‐transferred embryos (NT‐EpiSCs). Nuclear‐transferred embryos were obtained from cumulus cells injected into oocytes collected from B6D2F1 mice. Although the derivation process itself was very similar regardless of the origin of the cells, the comparison of the transcriptome by microarray did show a small number (25) of differentially expressed genes between 2 out of 3 NT lines, compared with 3 FT lines. The third line (called NT‐1) was similar to FT. More recently, RNA sequencing of different EpiSC lines, including those previously characterized, was performed with the aim of looking at the allelic usage and imprinting in pluripotent cells [Dirks et al. Epigenetics & Chromatin 2019;12:14]. Allele‐specific mapping was possible thanks to their hybrid genotype (B6D2F1). This in‐depth analysis unexpectedly revealed that the recombined genotype structure of the two transcriptionally deviant EpiSCs (previously labeled as NT‐2 and NT‐LE) was only compatible with a parthenote origin. The third line used in the earlier study, NT‐1, was clearly of NT‐origin, according to its genotype.



STEM CELLS 2010; 28:743‐752; doi:10.1002 / stem.400


朱利安·马洛蒂(Julien Maruotti),戴向鹏(Chang Dai Dai),文森特·布罗查德(Vincent Brochard),卢克·朱尼奥(Luc Jouneau),刘俊(Jun Liu),阿米莉·邦内特·加内尔(AmélieBonnet‐Garnier),海伦·詹姆斯(HélèneJammes),卢多维克·瓦利埃(Ladovic Vallier),一世

以上引用的文章发表于2010年,研究了受精胚胎(FT-EpiSCs)或体细胞核移植胚胎(NT-EpiSCs)衍生的上皮干细胞(EpiSCs)的衍生过程和转录组。核移植胚胎是从注入B6D2F1小鼠卵母细胞的卵丘细胞获得的。尽管不管细胞的起源如何,其衍生过程本身都非常相似,但通过微阵列对转录组的比较确实显示出,在3个NT系中有2个与3个FT系之间有少量(25)差异表达基因。第三行(称为NT-1)与FT类似。最近,不同EpiSC品系的RNA测序,包括先前表征的那些,Epigenetics&Chromatin 2019; 12:14 ]。由于其杂种基因型(B6D2F1),因此可以进行等位基因特异性作图。这项深入的分析出乎意料地表明,两个转录异常EpiSC的重组基因型结构(以前标记为NT-2和NT-LE)仅与单性生殖起源兼容。根据其基因型,早期研究中使用的第三行NT-1显然是NT起源的。
