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A comparison between reclamation stockpile and boreal forest seed banks and plant communities
Restoration Ecology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-08 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13196
Jennifer Buss 1 , Bradley D. Pinno 1 , Sylvie Quideau 1

Soil stockpiles are essential to the reclamation of large‐ and small‐scale mining and other industrial sites. However, stockpiling soils can lead to the degradation of seed banks. This study examines the diversity, composition, depth of seed storage, and relationships between the aboveground and seed bank plant communities in stockpiles and compares them to the nearby boreal forest. The seed bank and aboveground vegetation sampled at eight stockpiles and six mature forest sites were near Fort McMurray (57.337°N, 111.755°W) and Cold Lake (54.695°N, 110.730°W), Alberta, Canada. Seed bank samples were taken from the forest floor (LFH) and depths of 0–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–30, >50 cm. Aboveground vegetation cover was also estimated at these locations. The seed bank composition was determined using the seedling emergence method in a greenhouse. Stockpile seed banks had higher seedling abundance and species richness than nearby forested sites but were dominated by grasses and non‐native forbs. Most seeds germinated from the surface layer, with 92% of seeds germinating from the LFH layers in the forested sites, and 68% from the 0 to 5 cm layer in the stockpiles. Mature forest sites had more similar aboveground and seed bank communities than the stockpiles. Overall, integrating information on seed bank and aboveground plant communities would improve reclamation decisions, rather than relying on aboveground vegetation alone.



土壤储备对于大型和小型采矿及其他工业场地的开垦至关重要。但是,储存土壤会导致种子库退化。这项研究检查了种子的多样性,组成,种子储存的深度以及地上和种子库中种子库植物群落之间的关系,并将其与附近的北方森林进行了比较。在加拿大艾伯塔省的麦克默里堡(北纬57.337°,西经111.755°)和冷湖(北纬54.695°,西经110.730°)附近,从八种储存库和六个成熟森林地点取样的种子库和地上植被。种子库样品取自森林地面(LFH),深度为0-5、5-10、10-20、20-30,> 50 cm。还估计了这些地点的地上植被。在温室中使用幼苗出苗方法确定种子库组成。储备种子库的幼苗丰度和物种丰富度高于附近的林地,但以草和非原生草为主导。大多数种子从表层发芽,其中92%的种子从林区的LFH层发芽,而68%的种子从库存的0至5 cm层发芽。与库存相比,成熟的森林地上和种子库社区更为相似。总体而言,整合有关种子库和地上植物群落的信息将改善围垦决策,而不是仅依赖地上植被。从库存的0到5厘米层占68%。与库存相比,成熟的森林地上和种子库社区更为相似。总体而言,整合有关种子库和地上植物群落的信息将改善围垦决策,而不是仅依赖地上植被。从库存的0到5厘米层占68%。与库存相比,成熟的森林地上和种子库社区更为相似。总体而言,整合有关种子库和地上植物群落的信息将改善围垦决策,而不是仅依赖地上植被。