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Personalised nutrition technologies: a new paradigm for dietetic practice and training in a digital transformation era.
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1111/jhn.12746
M Abrahams 1, 2 , N V Matusheski 3

Personalised nutrition in patient‐centred care

It has recently been estimated that one in five early deaths worldwide is associated with poor dietary habits 1. Addressing this societal challenge through dietetics practice will require substantial human resource investment. However, according to the World Health Organization, there is currently a substantial shortage of healthcare workers, which is expected to increase over the coming decades 2. Because of this, it is important to develop an understanding of the potential ways that new technologies and digital tools can help to increase the impact of dietetics. This will create value not only for the individual patient, but also as a scalable approach to helping individuals develop improved dietary habits and transition to a service that is based on prevention and self‐care.

Patient‐centred care is a cornerstone of modern dietetics practice 3. A key tenant underlying this approach is the individualisation of guidance based on the patient’s specific needs and, in a broad sense, treating the patient and not the disease 4. In parallel, personalisation has recently developed as a trend in the consumer nutrition and wellness area 5. Numerous apps, programs, platforms and plans are now aimed at delivering a personalised experience for the user based on profiling of an individual’s demographics, genotype, nutritional intake and status, anthropometrics, lifestyle behaviours, and/or preferences 6, 7. Several definitions have been put forth for personalised nutrition, including those that deal primarily with genetic differences, and others that include much broader concepts, including phenotypic, psychosocial and behavioural aspects of individualisation 8-11. In this editorial, we employ a recently proposed definition of personalised nutrition to describe approaches that ‘use individual‐specific information, founded on evidence‐based science, to promote dietary behaviour change that may result in measurable health benefit’ 12. By leveraging a holistic definition, we can consider how different aspects of personalisation can be of greatest benefit and can be most effectively leveraged for the individual patient, which can be appreciated by all dietitians.

The scientific evidence for personalised nutrition is growing. Substantiation continues to emerge that personalised nutrition can provide added value beyond conventional approaches. In the clinical setting, there has been increased recognition of the importance of implementing nutritional screening and intervention 13. For example, individualised nutrition assessments and provision of tailored nutritional support in patients at nutritional risk have been shown to significantly improve clinical outcomes, including patient survival 14. In a broader wellness context, several important gene–diet interactions were found to influence the response to dietary weight‐loss interventions in the landmark DIOGENES trial 15.

More holistic approaches, leveraging personalised information based on both genotypic and phenotypic variation, have also been promising 16. A recent study in older Dutch adults found that the provision of personalised advice, based on dietary intake, genetic and physiological information, resulted in increased resiliency and motivation, and decreased body fat percentage and hip circumference 17. In the future, we expect to see even more research investment in Personalised ‘algorithm‐based’ approaches. For example, clinical trials are currently underway aiming to validate a microbiome‐based personalisation approach for blood sugar management 18, 19. Likewise, an ongoing collaboration between Stanford University and Massachusetts General Hospital recently published a pilot study (PREDICT) and is now conducting a large observational study (PREDICT2) to measure individual metabolic responses to foods, with the aim of developing a commercial platform 20. In the Nutrigenomics, Overweight/Obesity and Weight Management Trial (NOW Trial), the effects of a lifestyle intervention employing personalised genetic testing and behavioural advice will be compared with the same intervention with population‐based advice 21. However, for many commercial platforms, their benefit has yet to be established in randomised controlled trials. Challenges still exist in terms of replicability of results, diversity of population groups included 22, as well as scientific validation and accuracy of products currently available 23. It has become clear however, that behaviour change is the common denominator underpinning successful personalised nutrition approaches for which dietitians are well versed, trained and experienced.





以患者为中心的护理是现代饮食实践3的基石。该方法的主要承租人是根据患者的具体需求进行个体化指导,并在广义上治疗患者而不是疾病4。同时,个性化近来已发展为消费者营养和保健领域的趋势5。现在,许多应用程序,程序,平台和计划旨在基于对个人的人口统计学,基因型,营养摄入和状况,人体测量学,生活方式和/或偏好6、7的分析,为用户提供个性化的体验。。已经针对个性化营养提出了几种定义,包括那些主要针对遗传差异的定义,而其他定义则包含了更广泛的概念,包括个体化的表型,社会心理和行为方面8-11。在这篇社论中,我们采用了最近提出的个性化营养定义,以描述“利用基于证据的科学的个体特定信息来促进饮食行为改变(可能带来可衡量的健康益处)的方法” 12。通过使用整体定义,我们可以考虑个性化的不同方面如何才能发挥最大的作用,并可以最有效地为每个患者提供帮助,所有营养学家都可以理解。


