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Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer, Judea Pearl, Madelyn Glymour and Nicholas P. Jewell, John Wiley & Sons, 2019, 156 pages, $46.75, paperback ISBN: 978‐1‐1191‐8684‐7
International Statistical Review ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-12 , DOI: 10.1111/insr.12369
Alexander Tsodikov 1

Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer Judea Pearl, Madelyn Glymour and Nicholas P. Jewell John Wiley & Sons, 2019, 156 pages, $46.75, paperback ISBN: 978‐1‐1191‐8684‐7

Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in causal inference.

This book, initially originating from course notes, covers the basics of causal inference in statistics. Often classical statistical methods fail to uncover the intrinsic mechanisms that lead to the data, staying on the side of shallow somewhat descriptive interpretations. Especially in observational studies, the design of the experiment and the statistical model built to make inferences from it do not match the set of mechanistic questions the researcher would like to answer. When this is the case, the researcher can often formulate a different (ideal) design of the experiment and a different mechanistic model supporting it that would be capable of answering the mechanistic questions. Rather than declare the current experiment useless, we may ask ‘Is it possible to make inferences from the current data that would relate to the meaningful parameters of the mechanistic model?’. Over the last two decades we have seen an explosion of interest in such questions handled by the causal inference methodology. The book is meant to be an introduction to this theory. The field is very young, so even a primer book needs to refer to fairly recent literature to explain the concepts and the methods of causal inference. An introductory book in this field is a challenge as many concepts are debated, and the classic historical core of the theory may still be fluid. However, the book admirably navigates this challenge and does help a novice in the field understand its principles and concepts. This is made possible by keeping the mathematical methods confined to basic probability and by always motivating and illustrating the methods by real‐life examples. I especially enjoyed a collision of the immediate intuition of a novice trying to make sense of an example with the real picture that starts to emerge as the example is peeled deeper using causal concepts.

The book starts with Chapter 1 that motivates the rest of the book by introducing the Simpson's paradox illustrating the phenomenon of confounding brought to the extreme. It is followed by a description of the basic probability and statistics tools that are used in the rest of the book. An introduction to statistical dependence follows with reference to their applications in the context of different models. Basic model structures are expressed through equations as well as through graphs. The book explains how these representations are linked and how they can be recognised based on the data at hand.

Chapter 2 presents very useful graphical tools that summarise the key ingredients and structure of the causal models. Well‐defined graphical elements such as forks, chains, colliders, and the idea of d‐separation allow us to dissect the structure of a causal model relevant to dependencies without having to provide a full probabilistic quantitative specification of the model.

Chapter 3 brings these tools to use to ascertain the causal effects of interventions. A concept of graph surgery is introduced to transform the current model for the data into a model of the ideal experiment that allows for clear unconfounded assessment of the causal effect of the intervention. Adjustments are worked out that allow us to use the statistics based on the current model to predict the relevant quantities (structural parameters) in the causal model. A detailed application for linear models is presented.

Chapter 4 introduces a general approach of counterfactuals. In some sense, this approach generalises the methods presented in the book earlier. This chapter is somewhat more advanced conceptually, and some of the facts are presented without proof.

While maintaining mathematical rigour, the book skillfully avoids complex mathematics. This makes it suitable for statisticians who are looking to start using causal modelling in their work or to epidemiologists who are comfortable with basic probability and statistics tools. However, this does not mean that the book is easy reading. The flow of new concepts is pretty dense and concise for somebody na've to causal inference. However, overall, the book is an outstanding introduction to an exciting and very useful subject.


统计中的因果推论:基础知识,朱迪亚·珀尔(Judea Pearl),马德琳·格利默(Madelyn Glymour)和尼古拉斯·P·杰威尔(Nicholas P.Jewell),约翰·威利父子出版社(John Wiley&Sons),2019年,156页,46.75美元,平装本ISBN:978-1-1-1911-8684-7

统计中的因果推断:《朱迪亚·珀尔(Judea Pearl),玛德琳·格利默(Madelyn Glymour)和尼古拉斯·P·珠宝(Nicholas P.Jewell John Wiley&Sons)》,2019年,156页,46.75美元,平装本ISBN:978-1-11191-18684-7







