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Nilpotent orbits of height 2 and involutions in the affine Weyl group
Indagationes Mathematicae ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.indag.2020.04.006
Jacopo Gandini , Pierluigi Möseneder Frajria , Paolo Papi

Let G be an almost simple group over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero, let g be its Lie algebra and let B be a Borel subgroup of G. Then B acts with finitely many orbits on the variety N_2 of the nilpotent elements in g whose height is at most 2. We provide a parametrization of the B-orbits in N_2 in terms of subsets of pairwise orthogonal roots, and we provide a complete description of the inclusion order among the B-orbit closures in terms of the Bruhat order on certain involutions in the affine Weyl group of g.


仿射外尔群中高度为 2 的幂零轨道和对合

设 G 是在特征为零的代数闭域 k 上的一个几乎简单的群,设 g 是它的李代数,设 B 是 G 的一个 Borel 子群。那么 B 作用于 g 中幂零元的变体 N_2 上的有限多个轨道其高度最多为 2。我们根据成对正交根的子集提供了 N_2 中 B 轨道的参数化,并且我们根据 Bruhat 顺序提供了 B 轨道闭包之间的包含顺序的完整描述g 的仿射 Weyl 群中的某些对合。