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What are the predominant pests and diseases afflicting gardens in the UK?
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126706
L.C. Brace , A.C. Gange , G.R.G. Clover

Abstract Gardening is a major pursuit in the UK, providing health and wellbeing benefits to individual gardeners, while providing important habitats for wildlife and supporting ecosystem services such as pollination. However, garden plants are afflicted by an array of pests and diseases, but until now, their importance has not been quantified, but only inferred from other sources. Here, we describe the results of a nationwide survey in the UK, designed to assess which pests and diseases gardeners consider the most important, and whether these vary across regions of the country. We found that slugs and snails and various aphids are considered the most important pests, while late blight and rose black spot are the most important diseases. Most importantly, we concluded that inferences drawn from rankings of pest and disease incidence based on enquiry data should not be taken as a proxy for importance. Many pests and diseases varied in their importance across the country and in most cases there was good agreement between regional values and current national distribution maps, suggesting that the survey produced reliable data, without regional bias.



摘要 园艺是英国的一项主要追求,为个人园丁提供健康和福祉,同时为野生动物提供重要栖息地并支持授粉等生态系统服务。然而,园林植物受到一系列病虫害的折磨,但直到现在,它们的重要性还没有被量化,只能从其他来源推断出来。在这里,我们描述了在英国进行的一项全国性调查的结果,该调查旨在评估园丁认为最重要的病虫害,以及这些病虫害是否因该国各地区而异。我们发现蛞蝓和蜗牛以及各种蚜虫被认为是最重要的害虫,而晚疫病和玫瑰黑斑病是最重要的病害。最重要的是,我们得出的结论是,从基于查询数据的病虫害发生率排名中得出的推论不应被视为重要性的代表。许多病虫害在全国范围内的重要性各不相同,在大多数情况下,区域值与当前的国家分布图之间存在良好的一致性,这表明调查产生了可靠的数据,没有区域偏差。