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Power-to-Protein: Carbon Fixation with Renewable Electric Power to Feed the World
Joule ( IF 38.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2020.04.008
Akanksha Mishra , Jean Nepomuscene Ntihuga , Bastian Molitor , Largus T. Angenent

Akanksha Mishra is currently a PhD student at the University of Tübingen in Germany. She is working in the field of gas fermentation under the supervision of Prof. Angenent. For her thesis, she is developing the power-to-protein system by operating a two-stage bioprocessing system. She is originally from India and moved to Germany after the completion of her undergraduate studies in biotechnology. She obtained a master’s degree in applied environmental geosciences also at the University of Tübingen.

Dr. Jean Nepomuscene Ntihuga is a post-doctoral research associate at University of Tübingen, Germany in the Environmental Biotechnology Group at the Center of Applied Geosciences. He conducts research on chain elongation, especially in downstream process optimization. He worked on designing bioreactors during his doctoral research at the University of Hohenheim. With a background in chemical engineering, his research focused on application of engineering principles in the conversion of wastes to useful products and its impact on the environment. His goal is to help alleviate poverty and climate change mitigation through scale-up of developed processes and its application in decentralized systems.

Dr. Bastian Molitor studied biology at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, where he also obtained his PhD. Afterward, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the RWTH Aachen University, before he moved on to a two-year research stay at Cornell University. Since 2017, Dr. Molitor has been a group leader at the University of Tübingen. His research focuses on the utilization of anaerobic gas-fermenting microbes for biotechnology. He studies the potential to genetically engineer acetogenic bacteria and methanogenic archaea, as well as the integration of bioprocesses with non-genetically engineered microbes to extend the product spectrum of gas fermentation.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Largus Angenent leads the Environmental Biotechnology Group at the Center of Applied Geosciences at the University of Tübingen (Germany), where he holds a Humboldt Professorship. His group studies the recovery of carbon from wastewaters and industrial off gases with bioprocessing. The microbial catalysts can be pure cultures (including genetic modification), defined mixed cultures, or open cultures (microbiomes). His group also studies extracellular electron transfer, and he was one of the founding members of ISMET. Angenent is an expert on gas fermentation and chain elongation, and he started companies in these areas (Electrochaea, GmbH and Capro-X, Inc.).



Akanksha Mishra目前是德国蒂宾根大学的博士学位学生。她在Angenent教授的指导下从事气体发酵领域的工作。对于她的论文,她正在通过运行一个两阶段的生物处理系统来开发能量转化蛋白系统。她最初来自印度,并在完成生物技术学士学位后移居德国。她还在图宾根大学获得了应用环境地球科学的硕士学位。

Jean Nepomuscene Ntihuga博士是德国图宾根大学应用地球科学中心环境生物技术小组的博士后研究助理。他从事链伸长的研究,尤其是在下游工艺优化中。在霍恩海姆大学(University of Hohenheim)进行博士研究期间,他致力于设计生物反应器。他拥有化学工程学的背景,致力于将工程原理应用于废物转化为有用产品及其对环境的影响。他的目标是通过扩大已开发的流程及其在分散系统中的应用来帮助减轻贫困和缓解气候变化。

Bastian Molitor博士在德国波鸿鲁尔大学学习生物学,并在那里获得了博士学位。此后,他在亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University)担任博士后研究员,然后进入康奈尔大学(Cornell University)进行为期两年的研究工作。自2017年以来,Molitor博士一直是蒂宾根大学的小组负责人。他的研究专注于将厌氧气体发酵微生物用于生物技术。他研究了对产乙酸菌和产甲烷菌进行基因工程改造的潜力,以及生物过程与非基因改造微生物的整合,以扩展气体发酵的产品范围。

Ir。教授 Largus Angenent领导图宾根大学(德国)应用地球科学中心的环境生物技术小组,并在那里担任洪堡教授的职位。他的小组研究了利用生物工艺从废水和工业废气中回收碳的方法。微生物催化剂可以是纯培养物(包括基因改造),确定的混合培养物或开放培养物(微生物组)。他的小组还研究细胞外电子转移,他是ISMET的创始成员之一。Angenent是气体发酵和链延长领域的专家,他创立了这些领域的公司(Electrochaea,GmbH和Capro-X,Inc.)。
