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Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1111/vec.12962

Retrospective evaluation of outpatient canine parvovirus treatment in a shelter‐based low‐cost urban clinic.

Kimberly Perley ScB Charlotte C. Burns BS Caroline Maguire VMD Virginia Shen VMD, MHS EmmaRose Joffe VMD Darko Stefanovski PhD, MS Laurel Redding VMD, PhD Lisa Germanis VMD Kenneth J. Drobatz DVM, MSCE, DACVIM, DACVECC Brittany Watson MS, VMD, PhD, DACVPM.

In the article entitled “Retrospective evaluation of outpatient canine parvovirus treatment in a shelter‐based low‐cost urban clinic.” by Drs. Perley, Burns, Maguire, Shen, Joffe, Stefanovski, Redding, Germanis, Drobatz, and Watson, J Vet Emerg Crit Care. 2020; 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1111/vec.12941, there were several errors in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Univariate analysis of baseline parameters (average with standard deviation) and percentage (proportion of group) expressing measured values at initial presentation for Survived group and Died group. * signifies statistical significance
Measured Variable Survived Died P‐value
Heart Rate (bpm) 148.9 (± 34.0) 163.8 (± 27.9) 0.188
Respiratory Rate (bpm) 41.1 (± 16.3) 45.6 (± 22.7) 0.636
Temperature (°C) 38.7 (± 0.8) 38.0 (± 1.52) 0.013*
Initial Weight (kg) 10.0 (± 8.2) 4.0 (± 3.8) 0.009*
Blood Glucose (mg/dL) 119.8 (± 27.3) 133.1 (± 30.6) 0.201
Packed Cell Volume (%) 45.0 (± 9.0) 41.6 (±7.9) 0.339
Total Plasma Proteins (g/dL) 6.3 (± 1.2) 5.6 (± 0.8) 0.114
Vomiting 55/67 (82.0%) 8/10 (80.0%) 0.896
Diarrhea 59/74 (80.0.%) 6/8 (75.0%) 0.754
Eating 19/72 (26.4%) 5/9 (55.5%) 0.028*
Drinking 37/59 (62.7%) 5/8 (62.5%) 0.652
% Dehydration 0.015*
Adequate 12.8 (10/78) 0  
5% 5.1 (4/78) 10.0 (1/10)  
6% 39.7 (31/78) 40.0 (4/10)  
6‐8% 28.2 (22/78) 0  
8% 10.3 (8/78) 20.0 (2/10)  
8‐10% 3.8 (3/78) 30.0 (3/10)  
Capillary Refill Time 0.100
< 2 sec 47.4 (37/78) 20.0 (2/10)  
> or = 2 sec 52.6 (41/78) 80.0 (8/10)  
Mucous Membrane Color 0.128
Pink 76.9 (60/78) 44.4 (4/9)  
Pale Pink 8.9 (7/78) 33.3 (3/9)  
White/Pale 10.2 (8/78) 11.1 (1/9)  
Red 1.2 (1/78) 0  
Pigmented 2.5 (2/78) 11.1 (1/9)  
Mucous Membrane Moisture 0.105
Moist 39.0 (30/77) 2.0 (2/10)  
Slightly Tacky 5.2 (4/77) 0  
Tacky 32.5 (25/77) 2.0 (2/10)  
Hypersalivating 23.4 (18/77) 60.0 (6/10)  
Mentation 0.099
BAR 41.6 (32/77) 10.0 (1/9)  
QAR 54.5 (42/77) 70.7 (7/9)  
Depressed 1.3 (1/77) 10.0 (1/9)  
Stuporous 2.6 (2/77) 0  
Body Condition Score 0.683
2 2.6 (2/78) 0  
3 5.1 (4/78) 10.0 (1/10)  
4 55.1 (43/78) 60.0 (6/10)  
4.5 2.6 (2/78) 0  
5 34.6 (27/78) 30.0 (3/10)  
Prior DHPP Vaccinations 0.430
Yes 33.3 (26/78) 50.0 (5/10)  
No 57.7 (45/78) 50.0 (5/10)  
Did Not Know 9.0 (7/78) 0  
Treatment Prior to PSPCA Protocol 0.790
Yes 7.3 (6/82) 10.0 (1/10)  
No 89.0 (73/82) 90.0 (9/10)  
Use of Rescue Fluids Protocol 0.027*
Yes 7.6 (6/79) 30.0 (3/10)  
No 92.4 (73/79) 70.0 (7/10)  
Use of Rescue Pain Protocol 0.076
Yes 5.0 (4/79) 20.0 (2/10)  
No 95.0 (75/79) 80.0 (8/10)  

In Table 1, on page 4, “blood gas” should be blood glucose. The Body Condition Score and the corresponding P‐value (0.683) are missing from the table, and should be inserted between “Stuporous” and “2.” The numbers following should be indented as the subcategories are for “Mentation,” “Mucous Membrane Color,” and “Mucous Membrane Moisture”




金伯利·珀利(Kimberly Perley)ScB夏洛特·C·伯恩斯(Charlotte C. ,DACVPM。

在标题为“在基于庇护所的低成本城市诊所对门诊犬细小病毒治疗的回顾性评估”中的文章。由Drs。Perley,Burns,Maguire,Shen,Joffe,Stefanovski,Redding,Germanis,Drobatz和Watson,J Vet Emerg Crit Care。2020年;1–7。https://doi.org/10.1111/vec.12941,表1中有几个错误。

测量变量 幸存下来 死了 P
心率(bpm) 148.9(±34.0) 163.8(±27.9) 0.188
呼吸频率(bpm) 41.1(±16.3) 45.6(±22.7) 0.636
温度(°C) 38.7(±0.8) 38.0(±1.52) 0.013 *
初始重量(公斤) 10.0(±8.2) 4.0(±3.8) 0.009 *
血糖(mg / dL) 119.8(±27.3) 133.1(±30.6) 0.201
填充细胞体积(%) 45.0(±9.0) 41.6(±7.9) 0.339
血浆总蛋白(g / dL) 6.3(±1.2) 5.6(±0.8) 0.114
呕吐 55/67(82.0%) 8/10(80.0%) 0.896
腹泻 59/74(80.0。%) 6/8(75.0%) 0.754
19/72(26.4%) 5/9(55.5%) 0.028 *
37/59(62.7%) 5/8(62.5%) 0.652
脱水百分比 0.015 *
充足 12.8(10/78) 0  
5% 5.1(4/78) 10.0(1/10)  
6% 39.7(31/78) 40.0(4/10)  
6‐8% 28.2(22/78) 0  
8% 10.3(8/78) 20.0(2/10)  
8-10% 3.8(3/78) 30.0(3/10)  
毛细管填充时间 0.100
<2秒 47.4(37/78) 20.0(2/10)  
>或= 2秒 52.6(41/78) 80.0(8/10)  
粘液膜颜色 0.128
76.9(60/78) 44.4(4/9)  
浅粉色 8.9(7/78) 33.3(3/9)  
白色/淡色 10.2(8/78) 11.1(1/9)  
1.2(1/78) 0  
色素沉着 2.5(2/78) 11.1(1/9)  
粘液膜水分 0.105
湿 39.0(30/77) 2.0(2/10)  
有点黏 5.2(4/77) 0  
俗气的 32.5(25/77) 2.0(2/10)  
唾液过多 23.4(18/77) 60.0(6/10)  
心智 0.099
酒吧 41.6(32/77) 10.0(1/9)  
质量保证 54.5(42/77) 70.7(7/9)  
郁闷 1.3(1/77) 10.0(1/9)  
太棒了 2.6(2/77) 0  
身体状况评分 0.683
2 2.6(2/78) 0  
3 5.1(4/78) 10.0(1/10)  
4 55.1(43/78) 60.0(6/10)  
4.5 2.6(2/78) 0  
5 34.6(27/78) 30.0(3/10)  
以前的DHPP疫苗接种 0.430
33.3(26/78) 50.0(5/10)  
没有 57.7(45/78) 50.0(5/10)  
不知道 9.0(7/78) 0  
PSPCA方案之前的治疗 0.790
7.3(6/82) 10.0(1/10)  
没有 89.0(73/82) 90.0(9/10)  
救援液协议的使用 0.027 *
7.6(6/79) 30.0(3/10)  
没有 92.4(73/79) 70.0(7/10)  
救援疼痛协议的使用 0.076
5.0(4/79) 20.0(2/10)  
没有 95.0(75/79) 80.0(8/10)  

在第4页的表1中,“血液”应为血糖。表格中缺少“身体状况得分”和相应的 P值(0.683),应将其插入“ Stuporous”和“ 2”之间。以下数字应缩进,因为子类别分别是“ Mentation”,“ Mucous Membrane Color”和“ Mucous Membrane Moisture”
