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An unusual new sauropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-11 , DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2020.1716402
Alexander O. Averianov 1, 2 , Alexey V. Lopatin 3

A new sauropod, Abdarainurus barsboldi gen. et sp. nov., is described based on several anterior and one middle caudal vertebrae and chevrons from the Late Cretaceous Alagteeg Formation at Abdrant Nuru, northern Gobi Desert, Mongolia. The new taxon is characterized by 16 unique or rare characters of the caudal skeleton, including opisthocoelous centra, longitudinal ridges on the neural canal walls, postprezygapophyseal processes, a hypertrophied postspinal fossa, mediolaterally constricted neural spines, and a deep pocket-like spinodiapophyseal fossa covered laterally by high postzygodiapophyseal lamina. Our preferred phylogenetic analysis places Abdarainurus as a basal titanosaurian sauropod, but this result could be affected by inadequate knowledge of basal titanosaurs. The new taxon likely represents a highly specialized lineage of Asian macronarian sauropods that was unknown previously.




一种新的蜥脚类动物,Abdarainurus barsboldi gen。等。nov。是根据蒙古戈壁沙漠北部Abdrant Nuru的晚白垩世Alagteeg组的几个前,中尾椎骨和人字形字体进行描述的。新的分类单元的特征是尾骨骨架有16个独特或罕见的特征,包括尾骨骨膜中枢,神经管壁上的纵向脊,前睑后突突,肥大的脊柱后窝,中外侧收缩的神经棘以及覆盖着深袋状的脊椎phy骨窝在侧面由高后合dia骨椎板。我们首选的系统发育分析地点是Abdarainurus作为基棘龙类蜥脚类动物,但这一结果可能会受到对基层恐龙知识不足的影响。新的分类单元可能代表了以前未知的高度专业的亚洲巨蜥蜥脚类。

