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A Potential Positive Effect of Unwanted Self-isolation for Scientists?
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1080/10498850.2020.1759312
Morten Sivertsvik 1

I am writing this editorial in my fifth week of self-isolation and working from my home office, being in the same situation as many others across the globe, trying to limit the spread of the ongoing pandemic. A positive impact of being away from the labs and colleagues and less time spent in meetings and travels could be more time to finally complete writing the publications you probably have started but never finished. I hope this period will see a positive effect on the number of publications from my group, but I also hope this leads to a positive impact on many good papers being submitted to JAFPT. A new submission does not have to be a research paper; we also publish short research notes (two examples in this issue), guest editorials or opinion papers, and book reviews, if we feel the topic is relevant for our readers. In this issue, we can read about gelatin extracted from tuna skin waste with promising properties and a comprehensive study of the functional components of nineteen microalgae and six bivalve species. We also learn that Italian consumers prefer wild over farmed aquatic food, considering the former healthier and tastier than the latter. The article also reports that consumers have a willingness to pay a premium price for certified organic aquatic foods. For the aquaculture industry, such results are important knowledge, as consumer preferences do not always represent scientific facts. We also have, as mentioned, two research notes in this issue; one on structural changes in skate muscle during fermentation, and one showing how important method is for determination of pH measurements in pre-rigor fish muscle. Measurement of pH is one of the most common methods in all fish research, but it is also maybe the method most often done incorrectly. As the authors conclude: method matters!



我正在自我隔离的第五周写这篇社论,并在我的家庭办公室工作,与全球许多其他人处于相同的情况,试图限制正在进行的大流行的蔓延。远离实验室和同事以及减少在会议和旅行上花费的时间的积极影响可能是有更多时间最终完成您可能已经开始但从未完成的出版物的撰写。我希望这段时间会对我小组的出版物数量产生积极影响,但我也希望这会对提交给 JAFPT 的许多优秀论文产生积极影响。新提交的论文不一定是研究论文;如果我们认为该主题与我们的读者相关,我们还会发布简短的研究笔记(本期有两个示例)、客座社论或意见论文以及书评。在这个问题上,我们可以了解从金枪鱼皮废料中提取的明胶具有良好的特性,以及对 19 种微藻和 6 种双壳类动物功能成分的综合研究。我们还了解到,相比养殖水产食品,意大利消费者更喜欢野生食品,因为前者比后者更健康、更美味。文章还报告说,消费者愿意为经过认证的有机水产食品支付高价。对于水产养殖业而言,此类结果是重要的知识,因为消费者的偏好并不总是代表科学事实。如前所述,我们在这个问题上还有两个研究笔记;一篇关于发酵过程中滑冰肌肉的结构变化,另一篇展示了确定僵硬前鱼肌肉 pH 值测量的方法的重要性。测量 pH 值是所有鱼类研究中最常用的方法之一,但它也可能是最常被错误执行的方法。正如作者得出的结论:方法很重要!