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Longitudinal changes in the targets of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) hunts at Mahale Mountains National Park: how and why did they begin to intensively hunt red colobus (Piliocolobus rufomitratus) in the 1980s?
Primates ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10329-020-00803-8
Kazuhiko Hosaka 1 , Michio Nakamura 2 , Yukio Takahata 3

The hunting activities of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Mahale Mountains National Park exhibited a significant change over a 46-year observation period, shifting from sporadic hunting for small ungulates and primates through seizure or chasing, to a specialized hunting habit for red colobus (Piliocolobus rufomitratus). By the early 1980s, a new hunting habit had developed through the following stages: (1) occasional single kills by mature/adolescent males, (2) multiple kills by mature/adolescent males, (3) participation of mature females in both multiple and single kills, and (4) increased frequencies of multiple kills and female participation in killing. Throughout the observation period, red colobus was the most frequently hunted species, accounting for 71.0% of all hunts, 68.1% of all kills, and 70.3% of the consumed prey. Adult/adolescent female chimpanzees accounted for 23.1% of all kills and 20.4% of red colobus kills, both of which are higher than proportions reported in other areas. There are several possible explanations for these changes: (1) improved observation conditions, including familiarization of the chimpanzees with human observers; (2) environmental changes such as forest and faunal recovery, particularly an increase in the red colobus population; (3) change(s) in observation methods; (4) a new invention or (5) reinvention by the Mimikire (M) group chimpanzees; and (6) the change in intergroup relationships between the M and Kajabala (K) groups.


马哈勒山国家公园黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)狩猎目标的纵向变化:他们如何以及为什么在 1980 年代开始集中狩猎红疣猴(Piliocolobus rufomitratus)?

马哈勒山国家公园黑猩猩(Pan troglodytes)的狩猎活动在 46 年的观察期内发生了显着变化,从通过抓捕或追逐的零星狩猎小型有蹄类动物和灵长类动物转变为专门捕猎红疣猴rufomitratus)。到 1980 年代初期,一种新的狩猎习惯已经形成,经历了以下几个阶段:(1)成熟/青春期雄性偶尔单杀,(2)成熟/青春期雄性多次捕杀,(3)成熟雌性参与多次和单杀,以及 (4) 多次杀戮和女性参与杀戮的频率增加。在整个观察期间,红疣猴是最常被猎杀的物种,占所有猎物的 71.0%,占所有猎物的 68.1%,占猎物消耗量的 70.3%。成年/青春期雌性黑猩猩占总死亡人数的 23.1%,占红疣猴死亡人数的 20.4%,两者均高于其他地区报告的比例。这些变化有几种可能的解释:(1)观察条件的改善,包括黑猩猩与人类观察者的熟悉;(2) 森林和动物群恢复等环境变化,特别是红疣猴种群的增加;(3) 观察方法的变化;(4) 新发明或 (5) Mimikire (M) 类黑猩猩的再发明;(6)M和Kajabala(K)群体之间的群际关系的变化。(1) 改善观察条件,包括让黑猩猩熟悉人类观察者;(2) 森林和动物群恢复等环境变化,特别是红疣猴种群的增加;(3) 观察方法的变化;(4) 新发明或 (5) Mimikire (M) 类黑猩猩的再发明;(6)M和Kajabala(K)群体之间的群际关系的变化。(1) 改善观察条件,包括让黑猩猩熟悉人类观察者;(2) 森林和动物群恢复等环境变化,特别是红疣猴种群的增加;(3) 观察方法的变化;(4) 新发明或 (5) Mimikire (M) 类黑猩猩的再发明;(6)M和Kajabala(K)群体之间的群际关系的变化。