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Shear-induced deconfinement of hard disks
Colloid and Polymer Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00396-020-04644-1
Nikolai Jahreis , Matthias Schmidt

Using Brownian dynamics simulations, we investigate the response to shear of a two-dimensional system of quasi-hard disks that are confined in the velocity gradient direction by a smooth external potential. Shearing the confined system leads to a homogenization of the one-body density profile. In order to rationalize this deconfinement effect, we split the internal one-body force field into adiabatic and superadiabatic contributions. We demonstrate that the superadiabatic force field consists of viscous and of structural contributions. We give an empirical scaling law that yields results for the superadiabatic force profiles both in the flow and in the gradient direction, in excellent agreement with the simulation data.


