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Detection of 5 Kinds of Genes Related to Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance in Four Species of Nonfermenting Bacteria with 2 Drug Resistant Phenotypes.
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-09 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/3948719
De-Song Ming 1 , Qing-Qing Chen 1 , Xiao-Ting Chen 1

Objective. This study aimed to detect 5 kinds of genes related to plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in four species of nonfermenting bacteria with 2 drug resistance phenotypes (multidrug resistance and pandrug resistance), which were Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (Sm), and Elizabethkingia meningoseptica (Em). Methods. The Phoenix NMIC/ID-109 panel and API 20NE panel were applied to 19 isolated strains, including 6 Ab strains (2 strains with multidrug resistance and 4 strains with pandrug resistance), 6 Pa strains (3 strains with multidrug resistance and 3 strains with pandrug resistance), 4 Sm strains (2 strains with multidrug resistance and 2 strains with pandrug resistance), and 3 Cm strains (2 strains with multidrug resistance and 1 strain with pandrug resistance). After strain identification and drug susceptibility test, PCR was applied to detect 5 genes related to plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance. The genes detected were quinolone resistance A (qnrA), aminoglycoside acetyltransferase ciprofloxacin resistance variant, acc(6′)-Ib-cr, and 3 integrons (intI1, intI2, and intI3). The amplified products were analyzed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and sequenced. Sequence alignment was carried out using the bioinformatics technique. Results. Of 19 strains tested, 8 strains carried acc(6′)-Ib-cr and 6 of them were of pandrug resistance phenotype (3 Ab strains, 2 Pa strains, and 1 Sm strain). The carrying rate of acc(6′)-Ib-cr was 60.0% for strains of pandrug resistance (6/10). Two strains were of multidrug resistance (1 Ab strain and 1 Pa strain), and the carrying rate of acc(6′)-Ib-cr was 22.0% (2/9). The carrying rate was significantly different between strains of multidrug resistance and pandrug resistance (). The class 1 integron was detected in 11 strains, among which 6 strains were of pandrug resistance (3 Ab strains, 2 Pa strains, and 1 Sm strain). The carrying rate of the class 1 integron was 60.0% (6/10). Five strains were of multidrug resistance (3 Pa strains, 1 Ab strain, and 1 Em strain), and the carrying rate was 55.6% (5/9). The carrying rate of the class 1 integron was not significantly different between strains of multidrug resistance and pandrug resistance (). Both acc(6′)-Ib-cr and intI1 were detected in 6 strains, which were negative for qnrA, intI2, and intI3. Conclusion. Quinolone resistance of isolated strains was related to acc(6′)-Ib-cr and intI1 but not to qnrA, intI2, or intI3. The carrying rate of acc(6′)-Ib-cr among the strains of pandrug resistance was much higher than that among the strains of multidrug resistance. But, the strains of two drug resistant phenotypes were not significantly different in the carrying rate of intI1. The detection rates of the two genes were high and similar in Ab and Pa strains. 1 Em strain carried the class 1 integron.



客观本研究旨在检测鲍曼不动杆菌(Ab)、铜绿假单胞菌(Pa)、窄食单胞菌(Pa)、鲍曼不动杆菌(Ab)、铜绿假单胞菌(Pa)、窄食单胞菌等4种非发酵菌中与质粒介导的喹诺酮类耐药相关的5种基因,具有2种耐药表型(多药耐药和泛耐药)。嗜麦芽肿(Sm) 和Elizabethkingia meningoseptica (Em)。方法. Phoenix NMIC/ID-109 panel和API 20NE panel应用于19株分离株,其中6株Ab株(2株耐多药,4株泛耐药),6株Pa株(3株耐多药,3株)耐药)、Sm株4株(多药耐药2株、泛耐药2株)、Cm株3株(多药耐药2株、泛耐药1株)。经菌株鉴定和药敏试验后,应用PCR检测质粒介导的喹诺酮类耐药相关基因5个。检测到的基因有喹诺酮类耐药A(qnrA)、氨基糖苷类乙酰转移酶环丙沙星耐药变异体、acc(6′)-Ib-cr和3个整合子(intI 1,intI 2 和intI 3)。扩增产物经1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析并测序。使用生物信息学技术进行序列比对。结果。19株检测菌株中,8株携带acc(6′)-Ib-cr,6株为泛耐药表型(Ab株3株、Pa株2株、Sm株1株)。泛耐药菌株acc(6′)-Ib-cr的携带率为60.0%(6/10)。2株具有多重耐药性(1株Ab株和1株Pa株),acc(6′)-Ib-cr的携带率为22.0%(2/9)。多药耐药菌株和泛耐药菌株的携带率存在显着差异()。11株检出1类整合子,其中泛耐药株6株(Ab株3株、Pa株2株、Sm株1株)。1类整合子的携带率为60.0%(6/10)。5株多重耐药(Pa株3株、Ab株1株、Em株1株),携带率为55.6%(5/9)。1类整合子的携带率在多药耐药菌株和泛耐药菌株之间没有显着差异()。6株菌株均检出acc(6′)-Ib-crintI 1,qnrAintI 2、intI 3均为阴性。结论。分离菌株对喹诺酮类药物的耐药性与acc(6′)-Ib-crintI 1 而不是qnrAintI 2 或intI 3 。acc(6′)-Ib-cr在泛耐药菌株中的携带率远高于在泛耐药菌株中的携带率。多药耐药菌株。但是,两种耐药表型的菌株在intI 1 的携带率上没有显着差异。两种基因的检出率都很高,并且在Ab 和Pa 菌株中相似。1 Em 菌株携带 1 类整合子。