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Effects of orthodox religious fasting versus combined energy and time restricted eating on body weight, lipid concentrations and glycaemic profile.
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2020.1760218
Spyridon N Karras 1 , Theocharis Koufakis 1 , Lilian Adamidou 2 , Vasiliki Antonopoulou 1 , Paraskevi Karalazou 3 , Katerina Thisiadou 3 , Elina Mitrofanova 4 , Hilda Mulrooney 4 , Andrea Petróczi 4 , Pantelis Zebekakis 1 , Kali Makedou 3 , Kalliopi Kotsa 1


For seven weeks, 37 overweight adults followed a hypocaloric diet based on Orthodox Fasting (OF). A hypocaloric, time restricted eating (TRE) plan (eating between 08:00 to 16:00 h, water fasting from 16:00 to 08:00 h) was followed by 23 Body Mass Index (BMI)-matched participants. Anthropometric, glycaemic and inflammation markers and serum lipids were assessed before and after the diets. Both OF and TRE groups demonstrated reductions in BMI (28.54 ± 5.45 vs 27.20 ± 5.10 kg/m2, p < 0.001 and 26.40 ± 4.11 vs 25.81 ± 3.78 kg/m2 p = 0.001, respectively). Following the intervention, the OF group presented lower concentrations of total and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, compared with the pre-fasting values (178.40 ± 34.14 vs 197.17 ± 34.30 mg/dl, p < 0.001 and 105.89 ± 28.08 vs 122.37 ± 29.70 mg/dl, p < 0.001, respectively). Neither group manifested significant differences in glycaemic and inflammatory parameters. Our findings suggest that OF has superior lipid lowering effects than the TRE pattern.




在七个星期的时间里,有37名超重成年人接受了基于正统禁食(OF)的低热量饮食。一项低热量,限时饮食(TRE)计划(在08:00至16:00之间进食,从16:00至08:00 h禁食)之后是23位与体重指数(BMI)相匹配的参与者。在饮食之前和之后评估人体测量学,血糖和炎症标志物以及血清脂质。OF和TRE组均显示出BMI降低(分别为28.54±5.45和27.20±5.10 kg / m 2p  <0.001和26.40±4.11 vs 25.81±3.78 kg / m 2 p  = 0.001)。干预后,OF组的总和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇浓度低于禁食前值(178.40±34.14 vs 197.17±34.30 mg / dl,p  <0.001和105.89±28.08与122.37±29.70 mg / dl,p  <0.001)。两组均未表现出明显的血糖和炎症参数差异。我们的发现表明OF具有比TRE模式更好的降脂作用。
