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Majority group belonging without minority group distancing? Minority experiences of intergroup contact and inequality.
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12382
Judit Kende 1, 2 , Gülseli Baysu 3 , Colette Van Laar 1 , Karen Phalet 1

As most immigrant‐origin minority youth grow up in ethnically diverse social worlds, they develop a sense of belonging to both the national majority and the ethnic minority group. Our study adds to a growing body of research on minority experiences of intergroup contact by (1) including both minority and majority group belonging as outcomes and (2) examining the interplay of majority contact with unequal treatment. We surveyed 1,200 Turkish and Moroccan‐Belgian minority youth in 315 classrooms across 65 schools, using multiple measures of intergroup contact, unequal treatment in school, and minority and majority group belonging. Multi‐level models showed that minority youth who experienced more intergroup contact, and less unequal treatment, reported more belonging to the majority group. In addition, contact predicted less belonging to the minority group only in the presence of unequal treatment: For minority youth who perceived less unequal treatment, either individually or collectively, intergroup contact was unrelated to minority group belonging. We conclude that majority group contact and belonging need not come at the cost of minority group distancing in the absence of inequality.



由于大多数移民出身的少数民族青年在种族多元化的社会世界中长大,他们对民族多数和少数民族群体产生了归属感。我们的研究通过(1)将少数群体和多数群体的归属作为结果和(2)检查多数群体接触与不平等待遇的相互作用,为越来越多的群体间接触的少数群体经历的研究增添了新的内容。我们在 65 所学校的 315 个教室中对 1,200 名土耳其和摩洛哥-比利时少数民族青年进行了调查,使用多种衡量标准,包括群体间接触、学校中的不平等待遇以及少数民族和多数群体的归属感。多层次模型表明,经历更多群体间接触和较少不平等待遇的少数族裔青年报告更多属于多数群体。此外,仅在存在不平等待遇的情况下,接触预测较少属于少数群体:对于认为较少不平等待遇的少数族裔青年,无论是个人还是集体,群体间接触与少数群体归属无关。我们得出的结论是,在没有不平等的情况下,多数群体的接触和归属感不必以与少数群体保持距离为代价。