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Coverage of Sex Acts by Event-Driven Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: A Sub-Study of the ANRS IPERGAY Trial.
AIDS and Behavior ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10461-020-02890-6
Rebecca Bauer 1 , Emmanuelle Netzer 1 , Claire Pintado 2 , Catherine Capitant 1 , Eric Cua 3 , Nicolas Etien 4 , Julien Fonsart 5 , Gilles Pialoux 6 , Christian Chidiac 7 , Cédric Etienne 8 , Véronique Doré 4 , Laurence Meyer 9 , Jean-Michel Molina 2 ,

We assessed the coverage of sex acts by event-driven pre-exposure prophylaxis (ED-PrEP) over a 2-month period in 54 participants in the open label phase of the ANRS Ipergay trial. Participants received an electronic monitoring system device to record bottle openings. Self-questionnaires collected daily information on PrEP intake and sexual behavior. Intake was also estimated through returned pill counts. Full coverage of sex acts was defined as at least one pill taken both within 24 h before and within 48 h following sex. There was a strong correlation (r = − 0.92) between the number of bottle openings and returned pill counts. During the study, 42 participants (78%) practiced ED-PrEP and 12 (22%) daily PrEP with bottle openings at least 5 days/week whatever their sexual activity. Out of the 154 reported receptive anal sex acts, 81% were condomless: among them, PrEP coverage was hight: 97% among those practicing daily PrEP and 82% among those using ED-PrEP.


事件驱动的预暴露预防对性行为的报道:ANRS IPERGAY试验的子研究。

我们在ANRS Ipergay试验的开放标签阶段,对54名参与者进行了为期2个月的事件驱动的暴露前预防(ED-PrEP),以评估性行为的覆盖面。与会者收到了一个电子监控系统设备,用于记录瓶子的开度。自我问卷调查者每天收集有关PrEP摄入量和性行为的信息。还通过返回的药丸计数来估计摄入量。性行为的全覆盖定义为在性行为前24小时内和性行为后48小时内至少服用一粒药。瓶口数与返回药丸数之间存在很强的相关性(r = − 0.92)。在研究期间,有42位参与者(78%)进行了ED-PrEP,每天进行12次(22%)PrEP,无论其性活动如何,每周至少开瓶5天。在154种已报告的接受性肛交行为中,
