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Structure and environmental relationships of insectivorous bat assemblages in tropical Australian savannas
Austral Ecology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2005-12-01 , DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2005.01535.x
D J Milne 1 , M Armstrong 1 , A Fisher 1 , T Flores 1 , C R Pavey 2

Abstract Patterns in the composition of assemblages of microbat species sampled during the late dry season (the ‘build‐up’) in north Australian savannas were assessed against a range of environmental factors as well as four a priori defined habitat types (riparian, escarpments, coastal and woodlands). Distinct species assemblages were most strongly associated with topographic and climatic variables. There were also limited associations with vegetation structure, fire and local roost potential but no associations with insects or water availability. Total species diversity at sample sites was associated with distance to rivers and rainfall. In general, species assemblages were not clearly defined and the number of significant environmental associations was relatively few. We compare these associations with those reported for bat assemblages elsewhere in Australia.



摘要 针对一系列环境因素以及四种先验定义的栖息地类型(河岸、悬崖、沿海和林地)。不同的物种组合与地形和气候变量的相关性最强。与植被结构、火灾和当地栖息地潜力的关联也有限,但与昆虫或水的可用性无关。样本点的总物种多样性与到河流的距离和降雨量有关。总的来说,物种组合没有明确定义,重要的环境关联数量相对较少。