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An Alchemist in Greenland: Hans Egede (1686–1758) and Alchemical Practice in the Colony of Hope
Ambix ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00026980.2020.1747305
Hilde Norrgrén 1

The article explores the practical and social circumstances of the alchemical experiments performed by the Norwegian priest and missionary Hans Egede (1686–1758) in the Colony of Hope in Greenland. Sources not previously used in connection with Egede’s alchemy are used to investigate in which ways his situation in the colony affected alchemical practice. A lack of fuel is found to have been a main obstacle which may have limited the number of experiments that Egede was able to perform in Greenland. At the same time, the area had natural resources that were useful to the alchemist, and Egede’s position as head of the colony gave access to resources that facilitated alchemical practice.


格陵兰的炼金术士:Hans Egede (1686–1758) 和希望殖民地的炼金术实践

本文探讨了挪威牧师兼传教士汉斯·埃格德(Hans Egede,1686-1758 年)在格陵兰希望殖民地进行的炼金术实验的实际和社会环境。先前未与 Egede 的炼金术相关的资料被用来调查他在殖民地的情况如何影响炼金术实践。发现燃料缺乏是一个主要障碍,这可能限制了 Egede 在格陵兰进行的实验数量。与此同时,该地区拥有对炼金术士有用的自然资源,而埃格德作为殖民地首领的地位使他们能够获得促进炼金术实践的资源。